Repeatedly involving in transporting activities or transporting a large number of people; The exterritorial service is made according to the Act on Service and the Hague Convention on Service. 多次实施运送行为或者运送人数众多的域外送达依1970年的《送达法》和《海牙送达公约》进行。
Both the theories and the practices on the exterritorial effect of anti-monopoly law originated from the America. 反垄断法域外效力的理论和实践均起源于美国。
When it comes to the exterritorial effect of antimonopoly law, it means that a native anti-monopoly law can be effective beyond the territory. 所谓反垄断法的域外效力,是指作为国内法的反垄断法适用于该国主权范围之外的情况。