It is true, he CAST one admiring glance at Judith, which was extorted by her brilliant and singular beauty. 确实,他也被朱迪思那光彩夺目、艳丽非凡的美色所吸引。
The confession was not admitted in court, because the accused claimed it had been extorted. 因为被告声称逼供,故供认未被法庭采信。
While you were in the other room, he confessed to me that he extorted money out of nelson's family. 你在另一个房间时,他承认向nelson一家敲诈。
They extorted a bizzare sense from the few words that had been spoken. 对那几句话他们牵强附会地赋以一种离奇的意思。
He extorted a meaning from the word. 他曲解了该词词义。
Extorted from his fellow-creature's woe. 善于从同胞的悲痛里榨取欢悦。
Payment extorted by gangsters on threat of violence. 被歹徒用暴力威胁敲诈去的钱财。
He extorted money from poor farmers under false pretences. 他讹诈穷苦农民的钱财。
Neglected his duties to a serious extent, abused his powers, practiced graft and embezzlement, extorted and taken bribes or encroached on the legitimate rights and interests of an enterprise as a legal person 严重失职、滥用职权、营私舞弊、索贿受贿或者侵害企业法人合法权益的
They extorted money from the executive by threatening to reveal his past to the company boss. 他们以向老板揭露他的过去相威胁来勒索这个经理的钱。
They extorted a confession from him by torture. 他们对他进行刑讯逼供。
Enrico fermi atomic power plant He extorted money from poor farmers under false pretences. 讹科费米原子能电站他讹诈穷苦农民的钱财。
It was some time, however, before a smile could be extorted from Jane. 过了好一会儿,吉英脸上才勉强露出笑容。
I told him as much as I thought proper of her illness, and he extorted from me, by cross-examination, most of the facts connected with its origin. 我尽量告诉他一些我认为可以说的关于她的病情的话,他却问来问去,遇得我说出了与病因有关的大部分事实。
The more the empire declined, the higher rose the taxes and levies, the more shamelessly the officials robbed and extorted. 帝国越是走向没落,捐税和赋役就越是增加,官吏就越是无耻地进行掠夺和勒索。
That there is no innocent inference principle stipulated, no reticent right established, no provision to exclude the extorted statement made by the accused under examination is the legal root to go on extorting a confession by torture despite repeated prohibition. 没有规定无罪推定原则、没有确立沉默权、没有对逼取的口供作出排除性规定,这是导致我国刑讯逼供屡禁不止的法律根源。
Because of lacing effective supervision, the investigation power is more willfully exercised. In process of investigation, illegal investigation behaviors such as elicit confession and extorted confession exist in great numbers, and the legal right of criminal suspect is always under threat. 由于缺乏有效地监督,侦查权更加恣意行使,侦查过程中骗供诱供、刑讯逼供等违法侦查行为大量存在,犯罪嫌疑人的合法权益时时处处遭受威胁。
Such a practice not only connive the illegal confession extorted by torture and other offences, but also cause missing opportunity to find the fact in light of on-court confession, thus unable to avoid the occurrence of unjust. 这样的做法一方面纵容了侦查中的非法取证、刑讯逼供等违法行为,另一方面又错失了根据翻供中的线索查明案件真相的机会,从而无法避免冤假错案的发生,损害了司法公正。
All levels of governments, which people depended on to protect their interests and maintain social order, just extorted the hard-won possession of the people. 民众赖以保护其利益、维护社会治安的各级政府却只知一味勒索、搜刮民脂民膏。