The faery children began to chant "Aniday, Aniday," and a cry sounded in my heart. 这群仙灵小孩开始大叫“安尼戴,安尼戴”,而我心中却响起一阵哭声。
Youre a faery now, same as us, and can do anything we can do. 你现在是个仙灵了,和我们一样,我们能干什么,你就能干什么。
As the cheering faded, Igel introduced each faery, but the jumble of names clanged against my ears. 欢呼声低落下去后,伊格尔介绍起每个仙灵,这一大串名字在我耳边叮当作响。
We were still sitting in our places when the faery troop meandered back to the camp, chased home by the sud-den inclemency. 仙灵队被突如其来的严酷天气赶回了家,他们缓步回营时,我们还坐在老地方。
Clouds passed beneath the summer sun, rolling their shadows through the trees and across the faery camp. 夏天的太阳下,云朵飘拂,云影在树林和仙灵的营寨上移动。
That I shall never look upon thee more, Never have relish in the faery power Of unreflecting love! 我也许永远不会再看到你,不会在陶醉于无忧的爱情和它的魅力!
Note: Mountain Giant and Faery Dragon don't speak. 山岭巨人和仙女龙没有具体的语言。
With a faery, hand in hand. 同精灵手牵手。
More, Never have relish in the faery power Of unreflecting love! 不会再陶醉于无忧的爱情和它的魅力!
A softly textured wine with fine clean tannins and a velvety long finish. "I set her on my pacing steed, And nothing else saw all day long; For sideways would she lean, and sing A faery's song." 柔顺的葡萄酒口感中带有仿佛天鹅绒般的平衡单宁,回味冗长。“我给她编织过花冠、芬芳的腰带和手镯,她柔声地轻轻太息,仿佛是真心爱我。”
Touchy people will notice that I didn't mention the Darf, Gnome and Faery systems, and there is a good reason! 不耐烦的人都会注意到我没有提及黑暗精灵、侏儒和仙女的系统。不过我很好的理由的。