ADJ-GRADED (声音、颜色、标记、感觉或特性)微弱的,暗淡的,虚弱的 A faint sound, colour, mark, feeling, or quality has very little strength or intensity.
He became aware of the soft, faint sounds of water dripping... 他开始注意到轻微的水滴声。
The room held the faint, sweet odour of pipe tobacco... 房间内有烟斗烟丝的淡淡馨香。
He could see faint lines in her face... 他可以看见她脸上的细纹。
There was still the faint hope deep within him that she might never need to know. 他内心深处仍怀有一丝隐约的希望:她也许永远不必知晓。
ADJ-GRADED 不尽力的;敷衍的;半心半意的 A faint attempt at something is one that is made without proper effort and with little enthusiasm.
Caroline made a faint attempt at a laugh... 卡罗琳敷衍地笑了一下。
A faint smile crossed the Monsignor's face and faded quickly... 一丝敷衍的微笑从那位大人脸上掠过,很快就消失了。
Ten years ago today the US Center for Disease Control published the first faint warnings of a worldwide epidemic. 10年前的今天,美国疾病控制中心敷衍其事地发出了第一份警告:一场世界范围的流行病可能会出现。
VERB 晕厥;晕倒 If you faint, you lose consciousness for a short time, especially because you are hungry, or because of pain, heat, or shock.
She suddenly fell forward on to the table and fainted... 她突然向前栽倒在桌上,晕了过去。
I thought he'd faint when I kissed him. 我以为吻他的时候他会晕倒呢。
Faint is also a noun.
She slumped to the ground in a faint. 她一阵晕眩,跌倒在地。
ADJ-GRADED 晕眩的;虚弱无力的 Someone who is faint feels weak and unsteady as if they are about to lose consciousness.
Other signs of angina are nausea, sweating, feeling faint and shortness of breath. 心绞痛的其他征兆有恶心、出汗、头昏和气短。
Acupuncture will often bring a fainting person to. 针刺疗法经常可使昏迷中的人苏醒过来。
That done, he had a fainting fit. 做完这些,他昏过去了。
Brother, are you fainting in prayer? 弟兄姊妹,你对于祷告已经灰心了吗?
I cannot bear up any longer, I am fainting under this providence. 我不能再忍受了,我丧胆了;我心里发昏,快要倒下来了。
Another would put him in dire danger of fainting. 再来几次估计就有要晕倒的危险了。
When they arrived at the camp, the refugees were almost fainting from hunger. 难民到达难民营时,几乎饿昏过去了。
I was dizzy and close to fainting. 我头晕眼花,差一点晕倒。
Jean Valjean was like a man on the point of fainting. 这时冉阿让象是个要昏倒的人。
Should we say of somebody who's fainted or knows that they're subject to fainting spells, they never actually believe that they pass out? 我们该说那些昏倒了,或者是中了昏迷魔法的人,不会相信自己昏倒了吗?
Lightheadedness, weakness, and fainting are symptoms that a heart may be beating too slowly. 心脏如果跳动过缓就可能会出现头晕、身体疲乏、晕厥等症状。
I can picture fainting, or having fainted, quite easily. 我也能轻易能想象昏倒或者昏迷。
The girl reporter obliged Hearst by "fainting" in the main street. 那位女记者在大街上昏厥过去,帮了赫斯特一个大忙。
Symptoms of rheumatic heart disease include: shortness of breath, fatigue, irregular heart beats, chest pain and fainting. 风湿性心脏病的症状包括:气短、易疲劳、心率不齐、胸痛和眩晕。
If I can help one fainting robin unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain. 如果我可以帮助一只昏迷的知更鸟重回它的小窝,我就算没有虚度光阴。
He acted this part as though he had been fainting with desire. 他演这一角色演得好像欲望令他变成如痴如狂一般。
In Pilgrim's Progress, a bundle of myrrh was used to keep Mercy from fainting. 在《天路历程》,一捆没药被用作保持仁慈。
In extreme heat, vulnerable people are at risk of fainting or even slipping into a coma. 在极端的热浪中,易受影响的人有晕倒,甚至渐渐昏迷的危险。
She had a heart which fluttered at any excitement and she pampered it shamelessly, fainting at any provocation. 她的心脏稍稍有点兴奋就怦怦直跳,而她厚着脸皮纵容它,以致一遇到刺激就要晕倒。
"Thanks to my first-aid training I knew just how to handle it. I sat on the curb and put my head between my knees to keep from fainting". “因为我上过急救培训,我知道该怎么处理这件事。我在路边坐下来,把我的头放在膝盖之间,以防止昏倒”。
Machinery slackened; throbbing feebly like a fainting pulse; stopped. 机器慢下来了;震动得象微弱的脉搏那样无力;最后停止了。
This will prevent dizziness or fainting which may result from stopping vigorous exercise too suddenly. 这可以防止因突然停止剧烈运动而导致头晕、昏倒。
Sometimes, both heart rate and blood pressure can fall simultaneously, as happens with a typical fainting episode. 有时,心率和血压可以同时下降,晕倒事件就是一个典型的例子。
She was almost fainting with exhaustion. 她因精疲力竭而几乎晕倒。
This should not be confused with symptoms of lightheadedness or fainting. 要注意分清楚这一点,以免把眩晕与头昏眼花、晕等症状混在一起。
The fireman bore the fainting girl out of the burning house. 消防队员把这个窒息昏迷的姑娘从燃烧着的房子里救了出来。
The pills were alleged to have side-effects, including palpitations, fainting and insomnia. 这些减肥药的副作用包括心悸、眩晕和失眠症状。
Kieny says the vaccine might cause fever, or pain, nausea, diarrhea or fainting in some people. 陈富珍说,疫苗可能导致某些人发烧或疼痛,反胃,腹泻或晕厥。
But I have low blood pressure and I kept feeling dizzy and fainting. 可是我的血压开始降低,并时时感到眩晕、瘫软无力。
Look to the old man ― he is fainting. 那老人快要昏倒了,快去照料一下他吧。
I had to retire to my Victorian fainting couch with smelling salts after that one. 看完那一段,我不禁幻想出我回到维多利亚那个在问到盐的味道而晕厥在沙发上的时代。