The charges against him include fraud, bribery, and falsifying business records. 对他的指控包括诈骗、行贿和伪造商业记录。
The teachers taught the children how to falsify facts for the reporters. 老师们甚至还教孩子们怎么去捏造事实,应付记者。
Every genuine test of a theory is an attempt to falsify it, or to refute it. 对理论的“真正检验”总会一种否证的企图。
It's not that difficult to falsify a photograph. 伪照一张照片并不难。
False Sensory Input. You falsify one of the subject's senses. 伪善的虚伪地自以为是和谴责伪造感觉:你伪造受术者的一种感觉。
I would falsify the attendance records by filling out membership cards with fictitious names. 我将在出席记录上弄虚作假,用伪造的名字填写会员证。
Makes detailed predictions about future observations that can disprove or falsify the model if they are not borne out. 对于能反驳或者证明该模式错误的未来观察结果,如果未经证实,该模式能够对之进行很好预料。
The fuel retaining pressure will decrease extremely rapidly and falsify the measured result with even the tiniest leak. 即便只存在极小的泄漏,燃油保持压力也将迅速下降并导致测量结果失真。
An adverse economic forecast will stimulate action intended to falsify it. 不利的经济预报将会刺激人们作出使预报失灵的行动。
Them return go to company just discover have originally a cockroach who enters computer to falsify the program of toy bear, is them become self dominate the tool of world. 他们便回到公司才发现原来有一只蟑螂进入电脑篡改了玩具熊的程序,是它们成为自己称霸世界的工具。
He says the growing commercialism in China has penetrated science, leading some researchers to falsify data or plagiarise others'work in order to gain fame or funding. 他认为,中国不断增长的商品化已经渗入了科学领域,导致一些科学家伪造数据或者剽窃他人成果,以获得名誉和科研资金。
Article 36 No unit or individual shall forge, falsify or transfer documents of approval for the examination of advertisements. 第三十六条任何单位和个人不得伪造、变造或者转让广告审查决定文件。
He pledged tough penalties on corporations and chief officers who falsify accounts. 他扬言将严惩作假帐的企业和主管人员。
See account management and it's countermeasure from "do not falsify accounts" 从“不做假帐”看当前会计管理现状及其对策
Test environments must be carefully controlled to prevent unauthorised modifications which might falsify test results. 测试环境必须仔细地控制避免非自动更新,这可能导致错误的测试结果。
Falsify an issue, facts, etc. 歪曲问题、事实等。
While some employees simply falsify their re up4 des, others turn to diploma mills. 一些雇员仅仅在求职简历上作假,伪造一些学位;而另一些人则求助于“文凭作坊”。
If he may possibly destroy or falsify evidence, or collude with others to devise a consistent story; 有毁灭、伪造证据或者串供可能的;
A commercial bank should use its operation license in accordance with the stipulations of laws and administrative regulations and is forbidden to falsify, fabricate, transfer, lease or lend the license. 商业银行应当依照法律、行政法规的规定使用经营许可证。禁止伪造、变造、转让、出租、出借经营许可证。
All those who try to falsify history are bound to end up at criminals in history. 一切伪造历史的人必然会成历史的罪人。
A new usage once took time to spread, but now a pop star can falsify it across the world in hours. 一种新的用法过去花一段时间传播开来,但现在一个通俗歌星能在几小时内在全世界窜改它。
The regulations stipulate that any officials, survey compilers and survey respondents who falsify data should be "criticized, punished or fined". 该条例规定任何官员、调查者和被调查者如果弄虚作假将被“批评、处分或罚款”。
This will falsify the results of the measurement. 这会使测量结果不准确。
Already slight deviations are enough to drive the image into gray and to falsify color fidelity, in particular on the vertical plane. 已经略有偏差,足以驱动图像成灰阶和色彩保真度,以伪造,尤其是在垂直平面。
Of course the whole science symbol is testing hypothesis and hoping someone would say to falsify them. 当然,整个科学符号都是测试假设,和希望有人能证明其为假。
To conceal or falsify evidence; 隐瞒证据或者伪造证据;
To alter or falsify ( accounts, for example) for dishonest gain. 伪造为不正当目的伪造或篡改,例如(帐目)
But it is a crime to falsify an appraisal. 但是伪造估价是违法的。
I can also see why people falsify CVS: to make themselves look better. 我也能理解人们为什么要篡改简历:为了让自己看上去更优秀。
To be completely honest with Sears Holdings Corporation. They will not falsify records or coach workers. 必须诚信。不可提供虚假记录或训导工人。