
英 [ˈfɔːlsəti] 美 [ˈfɔːlsəti]

n.  虚假; 不真实; 错误



BNC.23395 / COCA.25357



  1. 虚假;不真实;错误
    the state of not being true or genuine


    1. ADJ 不正确的;虚假的;错误的
      If something is false, it is incorrect, untrue, or mistaken.
      1. It was quite clear the President was being given false information by those around him...
      2. You do not know whether what you're told is true or false...
      3. His sister said he had deliberately given the hospital a false name and address.
    2. ADJ 人造的;伪造的;假的
      You use false to describe objects which are artificial but which are intended to look like the real thing or to be used instead of the real thing.
      1. ...the items she'd secreted in the false bottom of her suitcase.
      2. ...a set of false teeth...
      3. I was wearing false eyelashes and a sweater two sizes too small.
    3. ADJ-GRADED (人)虚伪的;(举动)装腔作势的
      If you describe a person or their behaviour as false, you are criticizing them for being insincere or for hiding their real feelings.
      1. She bowed her head and smiled in false modesty...
      2. 'Thank you,' she said with false enthusiasm...
      3. Even to himself the geniality rang false and he came to a stop.


    1. judgements of truth or falsity.
    2. Our moral judgments are not really judgments at all, for they do not express truth or falsity.
    3. I'm not interested in the truth or falsity of what you're saying.
    4. It was difficult to convict him of the falsity of his beliefs.
    5. We have shown the falsity of the story.
    6. The difficulties of spinsters uncover the falsity and vulnerability of the patriarchy family arrangement, which is the main obstacle in the marriage and profession of spinsters.
    7. The November meeting sketched out a grand plan to co-operate in supporting global growth and combating the financial crisis recognising the falsity of vague hopes that big parts of the world economy would be "decoupled" from the slowdown.
    8. There was some real falsity when they came to treat the Goddess of Mercy as a fashion plate of the court today.
    9. If there is any falsity or any violation of rules, the administration of foreign exchange shall not make the registration and shall explain the reasons in the reply letter.
    10. To demonstrate the falsity of the belief that we must continue to feed the productive machine with ever more ridiculous demands, let me indulge in a brief thought experiment.
    11. If we can prove the falsity of the forensic tests, the case against him will have to be dropped.
    12. On the Falsity and Reality of Local Governments 'Tourism Image Engineering
    13. Furthermore, he established the aesthetic principle of "vigor and grace identify reality or falsity" which is of important theoretical value.
    14. The falsity of real estate register can be divided into the rights incorrectness and non-right incorrectness.
    15. Recognition of the falsity of material wealth as the standard of success goes hand in hand with the abandonment of the false belief that public office and high political position are to be valued only by the standards of pride of place and personal profit;
    16. He stressed to distinguish the truth and falsity from the book studied, not to follow the book blindly;
    17. A Brief Discussion of Power Fetishism Analyzing the Deep Cause of Transmutation of the Pre-Soviet Union Socialism; On Ideological Criticism of Marxism The Falsity and Fetishism of Ideology
    18. Education showed him the falsity of his superstitions.
    19. In the agreement or disagreement of its sense with reality, its truth or falsity consists.
    20. Your each ones are all very excellent, working feeling excelsior, but their eyes were misty the view was falsity!
    21. I have therefore to request that you will promptly advise me of the truth or falsity of these statements.
    22. From aspects of statistical system, statistical method and law enforcement ( limitation), this article analyzes the origin of statistical data falsity and the regulating countermeasures.
    23. He inquired into the basic problems of the philosophy of language in many of his writings: the reference of names, the truth and falsity of statements, and the relation between language and reality, and so on.
    24. Instead of discussing only two values of truth and falsity, the discussions mainly focus on the analyses of rough truth.
    25. This kind of art will necessarily construct a demonstrable falsity about the art assimilated by heteronomy and a defending of art's self-discipline, and it is art's self-question in the process of mulling and transcending itself.
    26. The past philosophy, which as a ruling ideology with class nature and falsity, should be fully exposed the nature of ideology and to explore the future direction of the development of philosophy.
    27. People are accustomed to take delight in talking about his experience and background. They overemphasize impact of the experience on his criticism or falsity of the experience, or even fall into determinism of experience while appraising value of his criticism.
    28. Information disclosure of listed companies is still many problems about non-standard disclosure, such as falsity, incompleteness, non-initiatively, timelessness, and formulation.
    29. Financial restatement refers that the existing information omissions, falsity or misleading information in the published financial statements, listed companies are voluntary or ordered by auditor and regulators to modify.
    30. Truth, which is not a concept against falsity, has a wide range of possibilities and expressions.



    1. a false statement

        Synonym:    falsehooduntruth

      1. the state of being false or untrue
        1. argument could not determine its truth or falsity

        Synonym:    falseness