The Advertising Standards Authority accused estate agents of using blatant untruths 广告标准管理局控告房地产代理商使用无耻的谎言。
I have never uttered one word of untruth. 我从未说过一句假话。
All finite things involve an untruth: they have a notion and an existence, but their existence does not meet the requirements of the notion. 但一切有限事物,自在地都具有一种不真实性,因为凡物莫不有其概念,有其存在,而其存在总不能与概念相符合。
"That is different," replied Monte Cristo;" but if you intend to tell an untruth, reflect it were better not to speak at all." “那情况不同了,”基督山回答说。“但你要想清楚,假如你想撒谎,还不如不讲为妙。”
I shall conquer untruth by truth. 我会用真理战胜谬误。
That is why I disguise them in untruth, saying the contrary of what I mean. 那就是为何我假装那是假话,心口不一。
There is truth, and there is untruth. 那是真理,而那是谎言。
On the other hand, there is surely such a thing as untruth. 另一方面,慌言这种东西肯定是存在的。
The applicant should undertake the law responsibility that result from providing untruth sample and untruth information. 由于客户提供的样品及其信息不真实而导致的一切后均由客户负责。
The untruth of this statement was immediately clear to me. 这份声明的虚假性我立刻就明白了。
I see it as purely benevolent, for I can see that in the midst of death life persists, in the midst of untruth truth persists, in the middle of darkness light persists. 我认为这是纯粹的仁慈,因为我可以看到,在一片死亡的生命存在,在一片谎言真理仍然存在,在黑暗中轻存在。
But it is always hard to convince men and women of the truth when they have been convinced of an untruth by a person who is dogmatic in their way of speaking. 当人们已听信有人将谎言当作真理,以他们接受的方式传讲给他们,要说服他们接受真理,终非易事。
Curved glass was the popular contrivance for producing not truth but illusion, untruth. 曲面镜不是用来产生真实影像,而是用来产生幻影的流行器件。
A "white lie" is a harmless untruth, while "white magic" is good magic. “小谎”是无恶意的谎言,而“乞灵于天使的白法术”是好戏法。
This flagrant untruth reverberated so pleasantly between my ribs that I almost said it again. 这句冠冕堂皇的谎言在我的肋骨间回荡,令我感到舒适无比,我几乎又把它说了一遍。
There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad. 有真理,就有非真理,如果你坚持真理;哪怕全世界都不同意你,你也没有发疯。
He believes the answers untruth in the obligate of gravity. 他相信答案藏在重力的力量之中。
As the riots spread across London and the rest of the country over the last few days, Twitter has been awash with rumour, exaggeration and downright untruth alongside people spreading useful news. 在前几日横扫伦敦和英国大部地区的骚乱发生时,围脖上在传播有用的新闻的同时,也在传播着夸大的传言和十足的谣言。
There was truth and there was untruth. 存在真理,亦存在谬误。
Dear Ones, the end times are really under way, and as you lift your vibrations you will find that you are able to more easily discern between the truth and untruth. 亲爱的,终结之期就要到了,由于你们在不断提升自己的振动,你们将发现自己能够更简单的分辨真相与假象。
The Truth and Untruth of the Fact: Expression of Law Science and Judicial Practice 事实的真实与非真实:法学的表达与司法的实践
It had been hard for him that spake it to have put more truth and untruth together in few words, than in that speech, whatsoever is delighted in solitude, is either a wild beast or a god. “喜欢孤独的人不是野兽便是神灵”。说这话的人若要在寥寥数语之中,更能把真理和邪说放在一处,那就很难了。
He never told an untruth in his life. 他有生以来从来没有说过一句假话。
If an employer discovers it has taken on a trade union activist or a pregnant woman despite being told otherwise in interview, that untruth is unlikely to convince a tribunal that a sacking is fair. 如果雇主发现自己雇用的是一个工会维权人士或一个怀孕妇女,尽管在面试中,雇主听到的是另一番情况,但是,雇员没说实话也不能让法院认定解雇是公平的。
When we say that beauty is everywhere we do not mean that the word ugliness should be abolished from our language, just as it would be absurd to say that there is no such thing as untruth. 正如说“世上没有谎言”是荒唐的一样,当我们说美无处不在时,并不是指就不应该再提丑陋了。
Gossip ( usually a mixture of truth and untruth) passed around by word of mouth. 口头传播的闲话(通常有真实的也有不真实的)。
Now as I often said, a truth that is not your truth is still untruth. 我经常说,在一个真理成为你自己的真理之前,它还不是真理。
You can, therefore, nail any talk about sending armies to Europe as deliberate untruth. 所以,你们大可把任何关于出兵欧洲的传说斥为故意造谣。
She wasn't very convinced about the nice distinction between a lie and the untruth. 对于谎言和不诚实之间的细微差别,她还不十分确信。
The untruth has been brought home to him. 对那谎言他已深信不疑。