ADJ (尝试、努力或行动)犹疑的,彷徨的,踉跄的 A faltering attempt, effort, or movement is uncertain because the person doing it is nervous or weak, or does not really know what to do.
'Now I feel I can do it,' he said in faltering English... “现在我觉得我能做了。”他用结结巴巴巴的英语说道。
Leaning on Jon, Michael took faltering steps to the bathroom. 迈克尔倚着乔恩,踉踉跄跄地走到浴室。
Normal life is at a standstill, and the economy is faltering 正常生活陷于瘫痪,经济止步不前。
A faltering economy and a recent wave of labour unrest have affected the new party's popularity. 停滞不前的经济和最近的一次劳工骚乱浪潮影响了新政党的声望。
'Now I feel I can do it,' he said in faltering English “现在我觉得我能做了。”他用结结巴巴巴的英语说道。
Leaning on Jon, Michael took faltering steps to the bathroom. 迈克尔倚着乔恩,踉踉跄跄地走到浴室。
With biofuels and fuel cells both faltering, electric cars may be one of the best ways out. 由于生物燃料和燃料电池的发展步履蹒跚,电动汽车也许是最好的解决方法之一。
But it is also an opportunity: the energy of youth can ignite faltering economies. 而且,这也是一个机会:因为年轻人朝气蓬勃,可以激活疲软的经济。
These effects would offer a temporary remedy to the faltering demand. 这些影响会对需求减弱起到临时的补救作用。
Forecasts are faltering: expected earnings per share have fallen about one-tenth as the year has progressed. 预期也很惨淡:随着时间的推移,预期每股收益下降了十分之一左右。
Fears of a possible faltering of the recovery forced the government to step up stimulus spending. 对经济复苏可能步履维艰的恐惧,迫使政府加大了刺激性支出的力度。
But the faltering economy means France needs an extra effort in order to meet these targets. 但是,经济衰退意味着法国需要付出额外的努力,以实现这些目标。
Boeing, once a champion of outsourcing, has been forced to take over faltering suppliers. 例如波音曾是外包冠军,现在被迫接管了那些办事不利的供应商。
Faltering test of a man's love, is the lack of deep and persistent. 男人的爱经不住考验,缺乏的是深厚和执着。
Just as importantly, they will have to jump-start their countries 'faltering economies. 同样重要的是,他们将必须提振本国举步维艰的经济。
The art market has started to show signs of faltering amid the economic downturn, after a six-year boom. 在经历连续6年的繁荣之后,艺术品市场在经济低迷中开始显露衰退迹象。
Migrants are returning home from the faltering economies of Western Europe and Russia. 一些移民正在从经济举步维艰的西欧和俄罗斯回到自己的国家。
He walked with faltering steps after a long illness. 他病了很久,走起路来摇摇晃晃的。
They are as nervous and faltering as you when they ask for the first time. 他们第一次说出自己的要求的时候,也和你一样的紧张,一样的支支吾吾。
A pause or faltering in speech. 支吾在讲话中停顿或结巴。
Last, but not least, the pact would give new vigour to the faltering European project. 最后同样重要的是,该协议能够给步履蹒跚的欧洲一体化计划注入新的活力。
The manufacturing sector is suffering from weakness at home and from faltering growth in key markets overseas. 美国国内疲软及海外关键市场增长不稳,都影响到制造业。
Growth and underlying inflation have been relentlessly weak, providing clear evidence that demand in the eurozone is faltering. 近期增长和基础通胀率一直疲弱,提供了有关欧元区需求不振的明确证据。
The faltering peace effort in the Middle East is a good example. 步履蹒跚的中东和平进程就是一个很好的例子。
Concerns are now being voiced that a faltering of the Chinese economy will imperil the global recovery. 外国经济学家开始担心中国经济增长乏力将危及全球复苏。
He also pushed through reforms to cure Colombia's faltering economy. 总统先生还致力于推进改革进程来治理国家蹒跚不前的经济。
That something is a combination of faltering growth and a rising risk of financial catastrophe. 这个很严重的问题就是经济未能稳步增长,同时发生金融危机的风险也加剧了。
I can hardly understand his faltering English. 我很难听懂他结结巴巴的英语。
Faltering real estate investment has hurt related industries such as steel. 房地产投资的步履维艰已经损害了钢铁等相关产业。
Analysts said this was because demand for the metal was faltering amid concerns about a slowdown in the US housing market. 分析人士表示,这是由于对美国住宅市场减速的担忧,动摇了对铜的需求。
The local government hopes polar bear hunts will help bolster the faltering economy by creating jobs for hunting guides. 当地政府希望,透过猎杀北极熊之旅为狩猎导游提供职位,会有助刺激当地疲弱的经济。
The faltering and the self-doubt has given way to achievement and pride. 动摇和迟疑已经让位于成就和自豪。