ADJ-GRADED (行为或看法)狂热的,极端的 If you describe someone as fanatical, you disapprove of them because you consider their behaviour or opinions to be very extreme.
As a boy he was a fanatical patriot. 年少时,他是个狂热的爱国者。
As a boy he was a fanatical patriot. 年少时,他是个狂热的爱国者。
Britain's rarest breeding birds are under threat from fanatical and selfish egg collectors. 英国最珍贵的种鸟正因为那些狂热而自私的鸟蛋收集者而面临着威胁。
Martin told him that his hatred of the magazines was rabid, fanatical, and that his conduct was a thousand times more despicable than that of the youth who burned the temple of Diana at Ephesus. 马丁告诉他地对编辑们的仇恨太过激,太狂热,他的行为比烧掉了以弗所的狄安娜神庙的那个青年还要讨厌一千倍。
I am not as fanatical as I was in my twenties and early-thirties. 现在,我不像20多岁和30岁出头的时候那么极端了。
Top of the range Scotches attract a fanatical following among whisky buffs. 顶级苏格兰威士忌在威士忌酒酒迷中吸引了一批狂热的拥趸。
My friend, crawley, has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr lane's Radical Progressive party. 我的朋友克劳莱一向是莱恩先生激进党的狂热反对者。
That who shows fanatical worship to that actor has been crowded into his dressing room doorway. 对那位演员表示崇拜的狂热者们挤进了他的化妆室门口。
Lifebuoy fanatical fans can make any actions? 狂热的救生圈爱好者能做出什么举动?
His enthusiasm for Aerobics was almost fanatical. 健身运动的热情几乎达到了狂热的程度。
He looks like a backwoods relative, fanatical and narrow-minded. 他看上去像是从乡下来的一个亲戚,思想狂热而狭隘。
He's just one of those fanatical right-wing preachers who blame everything on secular humanism. 他只是那些狂热的右翼传教士之一,把一切都归咎于世俗人本主义。
Tonwen was brought up in a sacred place by fanatical parents who believed she would one day bring peace to the world. 棠温被狂热的父母在一个宗教圣地抚养长大,他们相信有一天她将给世界带来和平。
He's a golf freak. He's totally fanatical about the sport. 他是个高尔夫控,他对那项运动很狂热。
A political unit with extreme and fanatical views. 有极端的和狂热的观点的政治集团。
His campaign became increasingly fanatical. 他的竞选活动愈来愈狂热。
Most eagle knights are fighters or brutes with a fanatical devotion to the God-king and their city, though eagle knights can come from any class. 大多数雄鹰骑士是狂热信仰神王和他们故土的战士或蛮战士,虽然任何职业都可以成为雄鹰骑士。
He is a fanatical hunter. 他是个着了迷的猎手。
He knew that at least this fanatical and faithful follower, and his family, would stick by him to the end. 他知道,至少这位狂热忠实的追随者和他的家属是愿意跟他到底的。
Beijing fanatical foreigners study, it is impossible for us to understand. 外国人学京剧的狂热,我们是无法了解的。
Abhorrence at the fanatical behaviour and corrupt nature of some religious organisations is also to blame. 而对于一些宗教组织的狂热行径以及腐朽本质的憎恨也难辞其咎。
A fanatical is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject! 一个专心致志的人不会改变决心,也不会改变自己的追求!
Militant devotion to and glorification of one's country; fanatical patriotism. 沙文主义对国家的军事效忠以及美化;狂热的爱国主义。
Has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. Lane's Radical Progressive Party. 一直是莱恩先生的激进党的强烈反对者。
Seething at No.2, I instituted a fanatical practice program. 我身受2号选手的煎熬,给自己制定了疯狂的练习计划。
Basic assumptions are treated with a naivety which emphasizes how fanatical these people really are. 对待一些基本假想的那股天真劲儿,充分说明这些人确是多么狂热。
Pew finds that the Muslim world and the West still see the other as fanatical and violent. 皮尤研究中心发现,穆斯林世界和西方世界仍然把彼此视之为狂热与暴力。
This group is frequently attacked as sectarian and fanatical. 这个团体常被人抨击为闹宗派主义和头脑发热。
To this soldier, who, despite his fanatical devotion to the Fuehrer whom he had served so well, still retained some sense of military tradition, the Supreme Warlord was deserting the command of his troops and shirking his responsibility for them at a moment of disaster. 这个军人虽然对元首忠心耿耿,替他卖了不少力气,但仍保留了一些军事传统的观念,在他看来,最高统帅这样做是在大难临头的时候放弃对军队的领导,逃避对他们的责任。
Rigby's Rex, also known as Tyrannosaurus imperator or Black Death, was hyped up by the media and fanatical T.rex supporters back when it was discovered. 里格比的雷克斯,也称为霸王龙规划,施工和黑死病,是哗众取宠的媒体和狂热的支持者回暴龙时发现。