They both have learnt that ambition and successful fatherhood can be mutually exclusive. 他们两个人都认识到了追求理想和做个好父亲不能两者兼顾。
Geoff has launched himself into fatherhood with great enthusiasm. 杰夫满怀热情地做起父亲来。
This almost formal abdication of fatherhood hurt him. 这样几乎是正式放弃做父亲的资格使他很不好受。
Adrienne Burgess, of the Fatherhood Institute think-tank, said: 'Men have always wanted children. 父性研究所智囊团中的阿德里安娜伯吉斯说:男人们一直想要孩子。
I owe all of my skills of fatherhood to you dad. 爸爸,我所有的为父之道都来自于您的恩赐。
And my Administration will continue to work with the faith and other community organizations, as well as businesses, on a campaign to encourage strong parenting and fatherhood. 我的政府也将继续真诚地和其他社会组织,也包括企业,打赢更好地抚养孩子和传递父爱的战役。
As Yao enters a new phase in his life, his 30's, fatherhood, returning to the NBA, and the next step in his career as manager, he shows the courage to make a difference in the world. 30岁的姚明又进入了一个新的阶段,当上父亲,重返NBA,掌管鲨鱼队,他向世界展示了自己能够大有所为的勇气。
The head of the database company decided to step down Tuesday after asking himself how he can balance the dual demands of fatherhood and running a company. 这位数据库公司的负责人对如何兼顾父亲和公司经营者这两个角色,进行了仔细斟酌,最终在周二决定辞职。
And the transformative effect of fatherhood is particularly apparent in older men, they claim. 研究人员还声称,这种父性的转变效应在年龄较大的男人身上表现得更加明显。
The study reveals that fatherhood made men curb their reckless behaviour, with males in their mid-20s and early 30s more likely to mature when they become a dad than those who are younger. 研究显示,成为父亲能使男性约束自己鲁莽不负责任的行为,那些二十四五岁到三十岁出头的男人,在他们成为父亲时,比那些更年轻的男性更容易趋于成熟。
There is an element that employers-and men themselves-are thinking of them as the ones who earn the money and stick in that role when children come along, said Jeremy Davies of the Fatherhood Institute think tank. 还有一个因素即雇主和男人本身&考虑他们要挣钱养家,当孩子出生时也要坚守那个角色,父职研究会智囊团的杰雷米•戴维斯说。
While previous studies showed that marriage can change a man's negative behavior, they had not isolated the additional effects of fatherhood. 虽然以前的研究表明婚姻能够改变一个男人的消极行为,但他们并没有将做父亲产生的附加效果单独分离出来。
Emphasizing the unity of God's fatherhood and sovereignty disputed Marcion's rejection of the same. 强调团结上帝的父亲和主权有争议的马吉安拒绝相同的。
The survey was designed and analyzed by University of Texas sociology professor Norval Glenn for the National Fatherhood Initiative, which advocates marriage and family values. 德克萨斯大学社会学教授诺费尔·葛兰为美国父权行动协会设计了这项调查,并对调查结果进行分析,该协会提倡婚姻和家庭价值观。
On Father's Day I always reflect on what I've learned about fatherhood. 以后每到父亲节这一天,我总是反省自己所了解的父爱。
Fatherhood is a lifelong responsibility. 父亲的责任是一辈子的责任。
I hadn't passed my fatherhood exam. 我没有通过我的父亲的身份考试。
What is the Godly Manhood and Fatherhood and Husband-hood? 怎样才是一个神所喜悦的好男人、好父亲、好丈夫?
When your child is facing problems in their life, u just gives your money? Where is your fatherhood? 当你的孩子在成长的路程中遇到问题时,你只是给他们钱花?你的父爱在哪?
The decline of fatherhood is one of the most unusual social trends of our time. 父亲作用的减弱是当今社会最不寻常的发展趋势之一。
Fatherhood transformed him into a more responsible person. 做了父亲以后,他变得更富有责任感了。
What is to be thought about fatherhood and how does one become a good father? 什么是思考如何成为父亲、好爸爸吗?
The first thing fatherhood taught me was how to be supportive of my pregnant wife. 为人父教会我的第一件事情是如何照顾我怀孕的妻子。
Wanted our story to show the many faces of fatherhood, she says. 要我们的故事显示父权的许多面孔,她说的。
In two of his major plays, All My Sons and Death of a Salesman, fatherhood is deified by both the fathers and the sons. 在他的两部主要戏剧《全是我的儿子》和《推销员之死》中,父亲身份都被父亲和儿子加以神化。
Responsible fatherhood is important to a healthy and civil society. 富有责任感的父爱对于创建一个健康而文明的社会十分重要。
He's a child psychologist, worked on family policy in the first Bush Administration, and in1994 helped found the National Fatherhood Initiative. 他是儿童心理学家,在老布什执政时期搞过家庭政策,在1994年帮助创立了《全国当好父亲倡议》。
Like or befitting a father or fatherhood; kind and protective. 象或适合于父亲或父亲身份的;慈爱并给予保护的。
Prince Albert II and his lawyers have resolved the paternity suits that dogged him, acknowledging fatherhood of a boy and a girl born to different women. 阿尔贝二世和他的律师都解决了侍服,顽强的他,父亲确认一名男童和一名女童,出生于不同的女人。
We place our faith in the brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God. 我们相信在上帝的庇护下人与人之间的兄弟情谊。