He was tricked into marriage by a false accusation of paternity. 他被诬赖成孩子的父亲而被骗结婚。
Paternity leave is unlikely to be for longer than two weeks. 父亲亲子假不太可能超过两周。
DNA fingerprinting is increasingly used in India for investigating murder and rape cases and settling paternity disputes. 虽然DNA检测在印度社会已经不是件稀奇事,在强奸案和谋杀案的取证中都用到。
Fathers can also take up to 11 days of paternity leave with no loss of pay. 孩子的父亲也会有11天的带薪产假。
Men are allowed two weeks of paternity leave, on statutory pay. 男性有两周陪产假,并且有法定薪酬。
Jobs denied paternity of his daughter Lisa for years. 乔布斯曾多年不承认与Lisa的父女关系。
By 1994, 40 of 141 countries for which the International Labour Organization had data offered some form of statutory paternity leave. 至1994年,根据国际劳工组织(InternationalLabourOrganization)所掌握的141个国家的资料,其中有40个国家提供了某种形式的法定陪产假。
But she agreed to a paternity test. 但她同意做亲子鉴定。
Well, I'll schedule you a paternity test too. 恩,我会再帮你安排一次亲子鉴定。
There is, however, an online company that does paternity testing. 但是,有个在线公司提供亲子鉴定。
The Rights of Woman Under Paternity Culture and the Development of Female Rights in New China 父权文化下的女性权利及新中国女性权利发展
I'm not authorizing a paternity test. 我没让你做亲子鉴定。
Fathers are encouraged to take up to two months paternity leave when their child is born. 小孩出世后,政府鼓励父亲休两个月的育婴假。
In fact, prenatal paternity testing, but also a challenge to the dignity law. 其实,产前亲子鉴定,更是挑战了威严法律。
We got a paternity test and everything. 我们做了检测了,有一切的手续。
I would have had no idea what to wear to a paternity hearing. 我都不知道在爸爸聚会上要穿什么。
Another important use of DNA fingerprints in the court system is to establish paternity in custody and child support litigation. dna指纹在法庭系统里的另一个重要用途是在保护和支持孩子的起诉中确定父子关系。
Exquisite love is finally to the complete development, to love and love their paternity finally completed their lifetime. 精致之处在于爱情终于得以圆满发展,想爱的人和爱自己的人终于陪自己走完一生。
In this form of family, as paternity is uncertain, only the female line counts. 因为在这种家庭形式下父系血统不能确定,所以只承认女系。
Paternity Culture, Female's Images and Women's Emancipation in the Present Age 人文关怀中的女性世界&论二十年代女性散文父权文化与女性形象及当代女性解放
There are user said, prenatal paternity tests are usually done by unwed led to challenge the social ethics. 有网友说,产前亲子鉴定多由未婚先孕酿成,挑战了社会伦理。
Who's the father?-we're gonna do a paternity test. 谁是孩子的父亲?-我们得做个亲子鉴定。
He has recently lost a paternity suit. 他最近输了一场亲子官司。
It think about that presumption regulation if can use for the paternity testing in practice the rule of law. 对亲子鉴定法律实践中证据推定规则适用进行了思考。
Conclusion The4 Y-specific STR loci are highly polymorphic and are suitable for personal identification and paternity testing. 结论4个Y-STR基因座在吉林地区汉族群体均具有较高的遗传多态性,可应用于法医学个体识别和亲子鉴定。
He made a surprise announcement after the mother's lawyers filed a paternity suit last week. 上周孩子母亲的律师提交了一份生父确认诉讼。
Maybe it wasn't a paternity issue. 也许这不关乎亲子关系的事。
You're not running a paternity test. 你不是要做亲子鉴定吧。
I'm up for paternity leave in the next couple of months and that will be at full pay. 公司打算让我休两个月陪产假,并且我拿的是全薪。