Valentine's Day is a time to celebrate romance and love and kissy-face fealty. 情人节是用来表达浪漫爱情和对爱的忠诚的节日。
Thus I cannot give you fealty. 所以我无法对你献出忠诚。
Now the arrangement is clear: in return for basic fealty, suitable election results and political calm, appointed governors may do largely as they please. 如今这种安排的目的再明确不过了:只要能换回基层忠诚、理想(个人认为比直译成合适的要好)的选举结果和政治平静,被任命的州长可以有不受约束的自由度。
He took an oath of fealty to the king. 他宣誓对国王效忠。
If you are fealty and virtuous, then I would like to meet you. 如果你孝顺,善良,我很愿意认识你。
He swore fealty to his lord. 他宣誓效忠他的领主。
They soon reached agreement on the major points: confession, fealty, pardon, a certain sum of gold and silver to be paid. 他们很快就主要问题达成一致:认罪、效忠、赦免、一定数额的金银作为赔偿。
When they act with predictability, restraint, and fealty to the rule of law, ordinary people gain faith in their government. 当警察的行为有规可循、有节制并忠诚于法治时,会加深普通人民对政府的信任。
The irony is rich since Kim and his fellow band of guerrillas swore oaths of fealty to each other when fighting the Japanese ( and Japan remains a bogey). 想想金日成和他的游击队战友们在打日本鬼子时彼此做的忠诚宣誓(当然,日本现在还是鬼子),一切是多么讽刺。
His advocacy of fealty to parents, respect for ancestors and loyalty to the sovereign and the nation have made a great impact on fostering deep patriotism feelings on the part of the Chinese people; 他提倡“孝亲敬祖”、“忠君报国”,培育了中华民族深厚的爱国主义情感;他主张“用夏变夷”、“和为贵”,为中华民族大融合奠定了思想基础;
Function of fealty Culture 对孝文化作用的探讨
When the state, vassals, high officials had conflict of interest, they would possess the different Fealty Concept due to their knowledge, concepts, background. 当社稷,诸侯,卿大夫发生矛盾时,他们的忠观念也因各人的学识、观念、背景不同而存有差异。