VERB 照料,照顾(自己) If you have to fend for yourself, you have to look after yourself without relying on help from anyone else.
The woman and her young baby had been thrown out and left to fend for themselves. 这个女人和她年幼的婴儿被赶了出来,无人照管。
PHRASAL VERB 挡开,避开(问题或人) If you fend off unwanted questions, problems, or people, you stop them from affecting you or defend yourself from them, but often only for a short time and without dealing with them completely.
He looked relaxed and determined as he fended off questions from the world's Press... 他回避各国媒体的提问时显得轻松而果决。
He had struggled to pay off creditors but couldn't fend them off any longer. 他曾想方设法还债主的钱,但却再也躲不过他们了。
PHRASAL VERB 挡住,抵挡(攻击) If you fend off someone who is attacking you, you use your arms or something such as a stick to defend yourself from their blows.
He raised his hand to fend off the blow. 他抬起手来抵挡那一拳。
The woman and her young baby had been thrown out and left to fend for themselves. 这个女人和她年幼的婴儿被赶了出来,无人照管。
He looked relaxed and determined as he fended off questions from the world's Press 他回避各国媒体的提问时显得轻松而果决。
He had struggled to pay off creditors but couldn't fend them off any longer. 他曾想方设法还债主的钱,但却再也躲不过他们了。
He raised his hand to fend off the blow. 他抬起手来抵挡那一拳。
She had to fend for herself from the age of thirteen. 她从13岁起就得独立生活。
The children are grown up and able to fend for themselves. 孩子们长大了,翅膀也够硬了。
He put up his hands to fend off the birds. 他举起双手,把鸟儿挡开。
If you like background music to fend off other sounds, you can have that. 如果你需要背景音乐抵消其他声音,你也可以做到。
I'm for helping those in need, not telling them to fend for themselves. 我要帮助那些需要帮助的人,而不是告诉他们自己想办法谋生去。
Mario Draghi could have told the euro to fend for itself or shifted all his cash to Swiss francs. 马里奥德拉吉(mariodraghi)本来可以叫欧元去自生自灭,或者是将他手头所有的现金都兑换成瑞士法郎。
It was performed to ensure the safety of the departed soul or to fend off demonic spirits. (尤指在人心中的)恶魔,恶灵这样做确保死了的灵魂安全或挡开恶灵。
Will her children and grandchildren fend off the grave with surreal gizmos like microscopic eye telescopes and robotic arms? 将她的孩子和孙子们抵御和严重的眼睛像小发明望远镜与超现实的微观机械臂?
The deer quickly chose antlers with which to fend off his enemies. 鹿立刻选择了可以赶走敌人的鹿角。
You'll have to fend for yourself this weekend. 这个周末你得自己照顾自己了。
You won't have me to depend on, so fend for yourselves. 你们不能再依靠我了,自己照顾自己吧。
But I have to work to fend for myself and my family, she said. 但我要工作,照顾自己和我的家庭,她说。
I had to keep from being crushed, to fend off continuous attack. 我必须不让自己被压服和提防连续不断的攻击。
They wanted government small and taxes low, with individuals in economic trouble left to fend for themselves. 他们想要的是“小”政府和低税率,主张百姓个人的经济困窘留给他们自己去解决。
Somehow she managed to fend off the awkward questions. 她终于以某种方式避开了这个尴尬的问题。
In future he will have to fend for himself. 从今以后他得自己谋生了。
The children had to fend for themselves while their parents worked. 孩子们在父母工作的时候不得不自己照料自己。
His parents cast him out and he was forced to fend for himself. 他的父母抛弃了他,他被迫自己谋生。
They said then that if the offer failed they would let bear shareholders fend for themselves in bankruptcy court. 他们称,如果收购失败,他们将撒手不管,让贝尔斯登的股东在破产法庭上自己照顾自己了。
Now that the children are old enough to fend for themselves, we can go away on holiday alone. 既然孩子已经大了,可以自己照料自己,我们可以单独出去度假了。
Grown up children should leave home and fend for themselves. 孩子长大了应该离家独自去谋生。
At work, my colleagues and I have to fend off angry secretaries on a weekly basis. 在工作中,我和我的同事击退愤怒的司级官员就每周一次的基础上。
The NYSE and Nasdaq might be hoping that regulators help them fend off these systems. 纽约证交所和纳斯达克也许希望监管机构能帮助它们抵制这些系统。
The youngsters had to fend for themselves after their parents died. 父母去世后,孩子们人就得自己谋生了。
Whether this means that we are going to have to fend off recessionary tendencies is not yet clear. 这是否意味着我们将不得不防范经济衰退的趋势,目前尚不清楚。
And then he and all the world leaders walk away and leave the people to fend for themselves. 然后,他和所有的世界领导人走开,让人民自己照顾自己。
照料自己;自谋生计 to take care of yourself without help from anyone else
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