VERB (尤指不构成严重犯罪地)偷 If you say that someone filches something, you mean they steal it, especially when you do not consider this to be a very serious crime.
I filched some notes from his wallet. 我从他的钱包里偷了几张钞票。
I filched some notes from his wallet. 我从他的钱包里偷了几张钞票。
It would have made much more sense to deliver the parcel outside Hogwarts, what with Filch searching everyone who goes in and out. 费尔奇对每个进出霍格沃茨的人都要搜查一番,凯蒂在校外把包裹交给我不是要明智得多吗?
She added hastily, as Filch came shuffling eagerly across the entrance hall holding his Secrecy Sensor aloft. Take this necklace to Professor Snape at once, but be sure not to touch it, keep it wrapped in the scarf! 她看见费尔奇举着探密器,兴致勃勃、踢踏踢踏地从门厅走来,便赶紧对他说,立刻把这条项链拿去给斯内普教授,千万不要碰它,就让它一直包在围巾里!
Mr. filch says you were up in the astronomy tower. 费尔奇说你们到天文塔上去了。
Why on earth did filch want a Kwikspell course? 费尔奇为什么要学习快速念咒课程呢?
When badly wounded, the filcher escapes using its time filch ability, or dimension door. 受到重伤后,时窃怪通常会利用其窃取时间能力或“任意门”逃走。
Filch uses non-magical brooms for cleaning, of course, and there are broom closets here and there in the castle. 费尔奇当然是用非魔法扫帚来扫除,并且城堡里到处都有扫帚储藏柜。
Violate the act of intellectual property for instance, pilfer edition, still have filch the technical secret of other company and client information. 比如侵犯知识产权的行为,盗版,还有窃取别的公司的技术秘密以及客户信息等。
Filch is a squib, which means that he was born of a wizarding family but cannot do magic. 费尔奇是个哑炮,意思是他出身于巫师家庭但不会魔法。
Filch's office is a small room with a single oil lamping hanging from the ceiling. 费尔奇的办公室是一间天花板上吊着一盏油灯、充斥着烤鱼气味的小屋。
Answer: point to it is a purpose with detinue, take state-private property amount secretly bigger, or for many times secret filch is state-private the behavior of property. 答:指以非法占有为目的,秘密取公私财物数额较大,或者多次秘密窃取公私财物的行为。
It was Ginny who set the basilisk on the Mudbloods and Filch's cat 是真妮把巴斯里斯克带给那些麻瓜血统的人和费乐奇的猫
Such incidents illustrate the care that business executives or government officials should take when they travel to places where rivals might try to filch vital trade secrets or sensitive information. 这种事件说明了商业巨头们或者政府官员们去有竞争对手可能企图偷窃重要商业机密或敏感信息的这些地方,他们应该小心。
I pick it from Filch's office. 我从费尔奇的办公室里找来的。
In order to pretend, be in with the means diddle of filch false the high rank in SERP. 以伪装、欺诈和窃取的方式骗取在SERP中的高排名。
Stone says, this are vermian can ego is duplicate, but won't information of filch user individual. 斯通称,该蠕虫能够自我复制,但不会窃取用户个人信息。
Argus filch: anyone here, my sweet? Come on. 阿格斯费尔奇:这儿有人吗,小甜心?走吧。
Authentication is the first line of defence in the network application system. The aim is authenticating the identification of both side of communication and preventing illegal users to filch and masquerade genuine users. 身份验证是网络应用系统中的第一道防线,目的是验证通信双方的身份,防止非法用户窃取和假冒合法用户。
As we all know, cryptanalysis is a very important part of cryptology and its main task is to filch classified information or bilk by breaking cipher or fabricating authentication. 众所周知,密码分析是密码技术的重要组成部分,其主要任务是破译密码或伪造认证信息,实现窃取机密信息或进行诈骗破坏活动。
The match between images enables the forging filch of iris encoding to be difficult. 图像之间的匹配过程使得伪造和窃取虹膜编码变得困难。
Now, the malicious software can be used to filch secret information, send junk e-mails, personate somebody else illegally, and so on. 现在的大多数恶意软件都用来窃取机密信息、发送垃圾邮件、冒充身份网上窃取资料等。
With the generalization and enhancement of military information system, such problems as secure storage and prevention from filch and juggle of military confidential data are attached more and more importance. 随着我军信息系统建设的不断推广和深入,系统内军事机密数据的安全存储、防窃取和防篡改问题日益引起人们的关注。
This article attempts to theft behavior shape, the analysis in addition to secret filch outside behavior, and defying theft also should maintain for stealing. 本文试图对盗窃行为样态进行分析,认为除了秘密窃取行为之外,公然盗窃也应该认定为盗窃罪。
As the secret filch is the essential characteristics of theft in objective aspect, this paper discusses the characteristics of secret filch behavior. Second, our country about "a burglary" legislation investigation and comparison of the foreign legislation. 由于秘密窃取是盗窃罪客观方面的本质特征,本文重点探讨了秘密窃取行为的特征。二、我国关于入户盗窃的立法考察及与国外立法现状之比较。