The twelve finalists will be listed in the Sunday Times. 12名决赛选手的名单将刊登在《星期日泰晤士报》上。
In 2012, driver was recognized by the world economic forum as one of its young global shapers, and in 2013 he was a finalist in the Ernst& Young Entrepreneur of the year awards. 2012年,德奈弗被世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)评为“全球青年领袖”(YoungGlobalShapers),2013年,他又荣获安永年度企业家奖(Ernst&YoungEntrepreneuroftheYear)。
Though she is a former finalist here, as she was the runner-up to her sister in 2003, she has since gone no further than the quarter-finals in Melbourne. 尽管之前她是澳网决赛的常客&2003年时,她同小威分别夺得季军和冠军,但自那之后她常常止步于墨尔本赛事的四分之一决赛。
One finalist designed a compression technology for natural gas wells that will allow so-called marginal wells to produce much longer than they can today. 参加决赛的选手为天然气井设计了一种压缩技术,使得所谓边际井的生产时间比现在更长。
Q.What was the overall experience to be close to being the first Asian to win a major championship? You're the first finalist anyway. 总而言之,你是第一个打进大满贯决赛的亚洲选手。你有没有得到一些如何夺得首个大满贯的经验?
They were previously nominated for Decode, which was a 2009 finalist for Best Song Written For Motion Picture, Television Or Other Visual Media. 他们曾以《Decode》获得提名,该歌曲曾是角逐2009年最佳影视媒体作品歌曲的决赛入围作品。
For instance, you're unlikely to impress prospective employers by highlighting the fact that you were a finalist in a local pageant held in1982& as one real-life job candidate did. 比如说,即使你强调自己在1982年参加了地方选美的决赛这样的光辉往事也不会给潜在雇主带来多深刻的印象,而实际生活中确实有位候选人这样做过。
Among them, she and her husband Jay-z's cooperation Drunk in Love got a finalist GetWord(" finalist"); for The Best Video of the year and The Best Collaboration respectively. 其中,她与丈夫Jay-Z合作的《DrunkinLove》分别入围了年度最佳录影带和最佳组合两个奖项。
During the performance rounds, only ONE finalist will go home weekly. 首先是在表演赛中,每周就只有一位决赛选手打道回府;
Her first book, 'Unnatural Selection,' was a 2012 Pulitzer Prize finalist. 她的第一本书《非自然选择》(UnnaturalSelection)是2012年普利策奖(PulitzerPrize)入围作品。
I'm here today as a finalist for the McGill fellowship. 我今天来此乃为了争取麦吉尔奖学金。
From a total of five finalist cities: The Olympic bid has expedited Beijing's road construction in an all-round way. 雅典从最后胜出的五个申办奥运会的城市:申办奥运使北京的交通建设全方位提速。
Another finalist is Zara Solar which aims to provide rural communities in Tanzania with solar panels allowing them access to electrical power. 另一个参赛者是萨拉太阳能,他们目标是要提供坦尚尼亚,乡村地区太阳能板,让他们有电可用。
South Korea is emerging as an unexpected contender in the global race to build nuclear-power plants, turning up as a finalist for one of the industry's most-coveted projects. 韩国正出人意料地成为全球核电站修建竞赛的参与者,它突然间成为了一个业内最令人垂涎的核电项目的最后一轮竞标者。
We have a world finalist from China who's been working on the Watson Supercomputer that in the near future will be playing Jeopardy against the best Jeopardy players in the world. 我们还拥有一名参加了世界总决赛的中国选手,他一直为沃森超级计算机工作,在不久的将来会与世界上最好的《风险》游戏高手进行比拼。
Past figures show, for instance, that economic growth among world champions tends to outstrip that in the losing finalist countries during a World Cup year. 例如,过去的数字表明,获得冠军的国家当年的经济增长往往超过了获得亚军的国家。
Her previous collection, Tell Me, was a National Book Award Finalist. 她的诗集《告诉我》获美国国家图书奖。
His latest collection of essays," Tests of Time," is a finalist for this year's National Book Critics Circle Award. 他最新的论文集“时间的检验”入围本年度国家图书评论奖。
Who is the finalist employer of governmental statistics? 谁是政府统计最后的东家?
Good evening ladies and gentlemen. We are the 12 finalist of the 2007 Miss Chinese Cosmos Pageant. 大家好,我们是2007年中华小姐环球大赛入围总决赛的12位佳丽的代表。
Amelie Mauresmo, the1999 women's runner-up, and last year's beaten men's finalist Marat Safin will play night matches. 17日晚上的舞台属于1999年澳网的亚军法国人毛瑞斯莫和去年的澳网亚军俄罗斯的天才萨芬。
My novel "The Moon Under Her Feet" was a finalist for the2008 Prix Aurora Award for Best Long-Form Work in English. 另一部作品《她脚下的月亮》入围了2008年度曙光奖最佳英文长篇小说奖的最终候选名单。
We now have the semi finalist and to me and a lot of football fans it come some what of a shock to find Brazil out of the World Cup at such an early stage. 现在四强已经产生了,对我和广大球迷来说,也许最震惊的还是卫冕冠军巴西队居然这么早地就离开世界杯的舞台。
You are a finalist in the Pillsbury Bake-Off. 你入选皮尔斯博瑞烘焙大赛决赛了。
You may also have a chance to win a finalist spot, as there are still more places to be filled before voting commences. 你也有机会成为参加决赛选手,因为在最后的投票前还有许多参赛名额等着你!
Li was a semi finalist at last year's event. 去年的比赛中,李进入半决赛。
The best performances came with the concluding bout between the two finalist teams, one from Xi'an Jiaotong University from China and the other from the University of Malaya. 其中以大决赛的两支队伍,西安交通大学和马来亚大学的辩论最为精彩。