
英 [ˈfleɪlɪŋ] 美 [ˈfleɪlɪŋ]

v.  乱动; 胡乱摆动; (尤指用棍棒)猛击,猛打


BNC.24275 / COCA.22994


  1. V-ERG (四肢)拼命乱动,使劲乱摆
    If your arms or legs flail or if you flail them about, they wave about in an energetic but uncontrolled way.
    1. His arms were flailing in all directions...
    2. He gave a choked cry, flailed his arms wildly for a moment, and then went over the edge.
    3. Flail around means the same as flail.
      flail around 同 flail
    4. He started flailing around and hitting Vincent in the chest.
  2. 连枷(脱粒用的农具)
    A flail is a tool which consists of a piece of wood or metal that can swing freely from a handle. Flails are used to beat crops such as corn in order to separate the grain from the rest of the plant.


    1. His arms were flailing in all directions
    2. C-T-R was flailing when it hired Watson to take charge in 1914.
    3. Instead of lingering at the intersection flailing your hand in the air, you fish out your smartphone.
    4. After a good eight seconds of flailing, grabbing, and poking at the air above my desk, Frank Welty finally unholstered his sidearm and put me out of my misery.
    5. I feel as if much of my real education has been a direct reaction to flailing about during my college years.
    6. Any player may play this ability. 1: Flailing Manticore gets-1/-1 until end of turn.
    7. I grabbed onto the chrome handle by the door with both hands as tight as I could, flailing my legs to try and break their grip.
    8. At times, it's as though a European soccer game has broken out what with the way players fall flailing to the floor only to get up seconds later and sprint back up the court.
    9. Many mayfly species are clumsy swimmers at best, and combine that with shucking their outer nymph skin, they become a flailing treat for the waiting trout.
    10. These are sort of flailing away at different ideas but another way of doing& an older way is proposed by Plato, who viewed laughter as a form of bonding against a common enemy.
    11. The guard shoves me forward and I stumble out into the unknown, my arms flailing to protect against unseen perils that lie ahead of me in the black air.
    12. Blindly you reach out from under the covers, flailing your arm in the hopes of hitting the tiny snooze button before the clock hits the floor.
    13. He became moody and unreasonable, flailing out at Katherine at the slightest excuse.
    14. He doesn't so much dance as self-detonate, limbs flailing, chest twitching, legs bending. It's like the inner demons of every deranged character he's played have come together to rough up his body.
    15. Action is at bottom a swinging and flailing of the arms to regain one's balance and keep afloat.
    16. The animal was caught, its legs flailing wildly.
    17. Boxers flailing at each other in the ring.
    18. A scene of hurtling bodies and flailing and arms, slipping and sliding like human sleighs.
    19. Now, you notice the boss does not go into the pool with you, and many bosses are actually busy, so they may actually head off to another swimming pool while you're flailing around in your pool.
    20. The US has the ability to lead on the issue, whereas the Chinese are plainly flailing.
    21. Obama had remained calm, controlled, and in command throughout the election, in contrast to a McCain campaign that seemed to be flailing and indecisive.
    22. The$ 26 billion package is small compared to previous efforts to right the flailing economy through federal spending.
    23. Avoid flailing them about, wringing them together, cracking your knuckles, or toying with your rings.
    24. He was running along, his arms flailing wildly.
    25. It has backed off from Forex accumulation, launched a mega stimulus and held the renminbi stable against the US dollar when other Asian currencies were flailing.
    26. One flailing arm caught him across the cheek.
    27. The flailing started before she got anywhere near that car.
    28. So powerful was the blow that Garrosh staggered and nearly fell, crying out sharply in pain and flailing his arm in an attempt to keep his balance.
    29. But many are concerned not so much about a failed president as about a flailing nation.
    30. Drove that poor girl flailing into that fence.