
英 [ˈfleksɪŋ] 美 [ˈfleksɪŋ]

v.  屈伸,活动(四肢或肌肉,尤指为准备体力活动)


BNC.39489 / COCA.36549


  1. (电器用)花线,皮线
    A flex is an electric cable containing two or more wires that is connected to an electrical appliance.
    1. in AM, use 美国英语用cord

    2. VERB 活动,屈伸(肌肉或身体某一部分)
      If you flex your muscles or parts of your body, you bend, move, or stretch them for a short time in order to exercise them.
      1. He slowly flexed his muscles and tried to stand.
    3. to flex your muscles → see: muscle


    1. The Fair Trade Commission has of late been flexing its muscles, cracking down on cases of corruption.
    2. The British man has a robotic arm, which he controls by flexing muscles in his shoulders.
    3. In the picture, he stands in tiny red briefs flexing his biceps.
    4. Coming on top of US failure to stop or join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, it would signal a lack of US commitment to Asia at a time when China is flexing its muscles.
    5. And we are not just receiving spoken messages; we are decoding unspoken ones as well as sometimes just flexing our vocal muscles.
    6. Japan is flexing its diplomatic and commercial muscle in Africa, seeking commodities and new markets in an effort to catch up with other nations, including China, that have poured billions of dollars into the region in recent years.
    7. It's understandable, then, that China Mobile has recently expressed interest in flexing its substantial muscle in overseas markets.
    8. But a society would want compelling evidence that the social contract had been torn up before flexing the tax system to offset what may turn out to be only temporary fluctuations in relative incomes.
    9. One idea I'm interested in is flexing the reward based on the part of the business that you need to recruit into.
    10. Also, make sure the hooks you are using aren't flexing too much.
    11. Flexing or extending the arms, for example ( the motions involved in either pulling or pushing) can make someone more apt to like or dislike something, respectively, researchers have reported.
    12. The cord set completed required cycles of flexing with no occurrence of end results and also successfully completed the Dielectric Strength Test without breakdown.
    13. Q.The way you were sort of flexing your legs, is it sort of a sciatic nerve?
    14. At the same time the US has been flexing its diplomatic muscle.
    15. If SAFE really is flexing its muscles, the flow of Chinese investment overseas is only just starting.
    16. "Observe my hands, my dear," he said, flexing them before her eyes.
    17. She had to concentrate on flexing her pectoral muscle, or the triceps, to power the arm.
    18. Because you kept flexing your foot and making acceleration noises.
    19. Experimental study of vibration strength training of flexing and extending muscle of knee joint in supporting leg for women shot-putters
    20. Rubber and plastics hose and hose assemblies Wire reinforced Hydraulic impulse test with flexing
    21. You remember people staring at you, the few times you were out of the car, because you kept flexing your foot and making acceleration noises.
    22. Of course we all hope that the they are only flexing their muscles and do not really mean war.
    23. The flexing rate shall be10 flexes per minute.
    24. For flow-resistant bulk materials, the dumping station will be equipped with vibration support or flexing device.
    25. Patients direct the virtual arm to perform specific tasks such as raising and lowering the forearm, flexing the wrist, opening and closing the hand, and pinching the thumb and forefinger.
    26. The simulated exercise involved continuous flexing and pointing of the toes to exert the muscle during seven sets of10 cycles, with two minutes of rest between each set.
    27. In of itself, Agile does a good job of flexing to the winds of change.
    28. That happens when I'm flexing my lats in the mirror.
    29. The act or an instance of bending or flexing; flexion.
    30. Just before that point, you can start flexing at the hips, which brings your torso down toward the ground.