She could recognise her wild, desperate, defiant mood, the flightiness of her temper, and even some of the very cloud-shapes of gloom and despondency that had brooded in her heart. 她能够看到当时笼罩着自己心灵的那种狂野、绝望和挑战的情绪,任性的脾气,甚至还有某种阴郁和沮丧的愁云。
You must instead balance the benefits of choice against the effect your flightiness may have on your targets. 实际上,你必须权衡选择带来的益处,以及你的轻率可能对对象造成的影响。
At present, I really regret my flightiness before to know ICIBA so late. 此刻,我真后悔我过去的浮躁,恨自己为何这么久才了解“爱词霸”。
The flightiness and superficiality of Gemini is likely to be less apparent in this cycle than in the earlier ones, and the verbal and communicative side of Gemini more apparent. 双子的轻浮或者浅薄在这个阶段可能不如前几个阶段那么明显,双子的语言表达能力或者沟通技巧会更加明显。