His triumph was overshadowed by an uneasy sense of foreboding. 他的胜利因为一种令人不安的不祥预感蒙上了阴影。
Prisons like Strangeways, built more than 100 years ago, were intended to look grim and foreboding places. 诸如斯特兰奇韦斯监狱之类建于100多年前的监狱故意营造出一种阴森、不祥的气氛。
Foreboding mingled with his excitement. 他在兴奋的同时又夹杂着一种不祥的预感。
The sailor's wife had a foreboding that he would not return. 那海员的妻子预感到他将一去不复返。
Dark blues may be foreboding, or an indication of worry or fear. 暗蓝色可能是预感,或指示着担忧或恐惧。
Something dark and foreboding will suit my mood well today. 黑暗和不祥之兆的东西很符合我今天的心情。
I myself pursued the ambiguities of our complex policy with a heavy heart and not a little foreboding. 我本人怀着沉重的心情和相当不祥的预感执行我们的暖味不明的复杂政策。
One thing shared across the spectrum of religious and political hues is a sense of deep foreboding. 但有一种东西则超越了宗教派别和政治色彩,那就是极其不安的感觉。
Tim's absence filled her with foreboding. 蒂姆的缺席令她产生了不祥的预感。
In a crisis-prone world, there is a gathering sense of foreboding over China. 在一个危机四伏的世界,人们对中国有一种不祥的预感,这种预感正变得越来越强烈。
Their pitiless laughter filled me with foreboding. 他们那冷酷无情的笑声使我心中充满了不祥的预感。
There were furrows in the old brow, and I had a kind of foreboding feeling. 他眉宇间有些许深纹,这让我有种不祥的预感。
One gets the sense of foreboding and pain from this simple shot. 一个得到不祥的预感和痛苦从这个简单的球。
They are lonely, melancholy children, full of foreboding and fears. 他们是孤独的,忧郁的,充满着不祥之兆和恐惧。
There's a sense of foreboding in the capital as if fighting might at any minute break out. 在首都似乎有一种预感,战争任何时候都可能打起来。
She had a sense of foreboding that the news would be bad. 她预感到这会是坏消息。
Whether or not foreboding abortion? 是否先兆流产?
Actually, Yates does not delve into dark places; Potter's world is one of grey foreboding. 事实上,叶特斯并没有钻研黑暗的领域;波特的世界笼罩在灰色的预感之中。
She had a foreboding that he might have an accident. 她预感他可能会遭到意外事故。
He ha a strange foreboding something would go wrong. 他有一种奇怪的预感,要出问题了。
She had a strange foreboding that she'd never see him again. 她有一种再也见不到他的奇怪的预感。
She walks my heart without any foreboding and fills my life from that moment on. 她毫无预兆的走入了我的内心,从那时开始充斥了我的生活。
The father of four, he was overcome with foreboding for Laura. 他很纳闷。作为四个孩子的父亲,警长预感劳娜已遭不幸,深感不安。
They were no longer so conscious of the foreboding wilderness before them. 他们已经不太理会面前这片不祥的荒山野地了。
Now, more and more frequently, a certain foreboding overcomes me. 现在,某种预感越来越频繁地涌上我的心头。
It is prodrome respectively period, foreboding period, convulsion period, atony lethargy period and recognizant convalescence. 分别是前驱症状期、先兆期、痉挛期、弛缓昏睡期和意识恢复期。
An omen or foreboding, especially of evil. 预示,预兆,凶兆预兆或凶兆,尤指不幸的。
I felt a gloomy foreboding that something was going to go wrong. I have neither a fear, nor a presentiment, nor a hope of death. 我有一种不祥的预感,总觉得要出事。我对死设有恐惧,也没有预感,也没有巴望着死。
I take Sofie's hand and lead her to the doll section, my chest tight with foreboding. 我拉起苏菲的手向玩具专区走去,强烈的不详预感都让我胸闷。
Belinda's attendant spirits have an uneasy foreboding of catastrophe. 伺候贝琳达的精灵们不安地预感到灾难即将来临。