The road snaked through forested mountains, past the village of San Antonio. 这条路在林木覆盖的山上蜿蜒前行,经过圣安东尼奥村。
The road snaked through forested mountains 道路在林间蜿蜒延伸。
The southern landscape consists of partially forested mountain ranges to the east, separated by deep, narrow valleys. 南部的地形主要是树木丛生的山脉,山脉一直延续到东部,被极深狭窄的峡谷分隔开来。
70% of Bhutan is forested. 不丹70%的地方被森林覆盖。
The town lay in a narrow valley between high, forested mountains. 该镇坐落在几座高山环绕的峡谷里,山上森林密布。
Switzerland's heavily forested hills and mountain slopes provide timber for use in its traditional clock-making and furniture industries, and also for paper pulp. 瑞士的丘陵和山坡上的茂密的林木,为传统的钟壳和家具制造业,以及纸浆提供了原材料。
The reason for this is that soya is established on grasslands pushing cattle pastures further into forested areas. 造成这一点的原因是,在草原上种植大豆推动放牧者进一步深入森林。
Much of the island was thickly forested, providing excellent living space for the birds. 岛屿的大部分都是森林覆盖,给鸟儿们提供了优越的生存空间。
Approach driven by soil information and long term farm production data. Excellent soil maps from Soviet period. Forested land also valued by income approach. 方法受土壤信息和长期农场产出数据决定。苏联时期有很好的土壤地图。林地也采用收益法估算。
The hills nearby were thickly forested with oak trees. 附近的小山上长满了茂密的橡树。
I think the barren mountains in the north in particular should be Forested, and they undoubtedly can be. 我看特别是北方的荒山应当绿化,也完全可以绿化。
New Brunswick is one of the most forested regions in the world. 新不伦瑞克是世界上森林覆盖最多的地区。
Malaysia is dotted with plains, forested hills and mountains that cover both East and West Malaysia. 马来西亚东西散布著平原、郁的坡丘与山脉。
Still heavily forested, the Mountain bursts into bloom every spring with camellias, rhododendrons, and azaleas. 每年春天玉龙雪山树木丛生,山上开满了山茶花,杜鹃花。
Trees in densely forested areas are hardly affected. 在茂密的深林中的树木几乎没有受到影响。
They forested the mountains with pine trees. 他们在山上种植松树。
Unlike the southern forested and northern savannah areas, little is known about distribution and transmission of the disease in Cameroon's coastal regions. 与南部森林地区和北部草原地区不同,此前科学家对于喀麦隆沿海地区疟疾的分布和传播情况知之甚少。
The runoff in forested watershed is yielded during a whole year and its amount is mainly connected with precipitation. 森林小流域全年产流,产流量主要与降水量有关;
Unlike Lumber Camps, Lumber Mills can gather Wood from any forested area. 和马车的建造的木材采集地不同,木材采集机能从任何的植树区域发掘木材。
Thickly forested land had to be cleared. 浓密的森林地面必须开垦出来。
It shows the need to conserve forested landscapes while also sustaining timber production crucial for Central African nations. 该报告表明需要在保护林地的同时保持对非洲中部国家至关重要的木材生产。
The smallest of the four main islands of Japan; separated from Honshu by the Inland Sea; forested and mountainous. 日本四个主要岛屿中最小的一个;被内陆海将其与本州分开;多山且草木丛生。
Forested areas sustain almost as high a population as the agricultural sites. 森林区的种群密度与农业区同样的高。
When forested land must be used, all stumps should be removed. 如不得不用林地时,所有伐桩都要消除。
Does the city have any forested parks with scenic paths? 本市有什么森林公园里有风景优美的小径?
The impact of vegetation restoration on the Eco-environment of forested coal waste piles and bare coal waste piles was investigated in Xinglongzhuang coal mine. 以兴隆庄煤矿绿化矸石山和裸露矸石山为研究对象,研究了植被恢复对矸石山生态环境效应的影响。
Here were I live it is very hilly and has lots of small forested area. 在这里我居住它是非常多小山的并且有许多小树木丛生的区域。
The wreckage of the plane was found in a remote forested area of the Republic of Congo. 飞机残骸出现在刚果共和国一个偏远的森林地区。
Their mountainous country was thickly forested, the soil poor, and communication difficult. 这个多山的国家被茂密的森林所覆盖,土壤贫瘠,通信困难。
When I first arrived there in1960 the entire shoreline up and down the lake was forested. 我1960年刚到那里的时候,沿湖一带整个都是被森林覆盖的。