Both face maximum forfeitures of about$ 1.2 million. 双方都面临最高120万美元左右的罚金。
They may also include terms for the forfeiture of assets as a result of divorce on the grounds of adultery, further conditions of guardianship may be included as well. 有时可能还会包括因通奸而导致离婚时财产没收以及对于监护权的进一步要求等条款。
But not all car export forfeiture cases are being dropped or settled quickly. 但并非所有汽车出口罚没案件,都会被撤诉或迅速达成和解。
But the Justice Department recently advised its prosecutors to be more judicious in pursuing civil forfeiture actions and even criminal cases against car export companies and their owners. 但最近,司法部(JusticeDepartment)建议自己的检察官,在对汽车出口公司及其老板提起民事罚没诉讼,乃至刑事诉讼的行动中,要更审慎一些。
Civil forfeiture is a powerful tool that prosecutors can use when pursuing cases involving money laundering, terrorism, drug dealing or other illegal activity. 检方在追查涉及洗钱、恐怖主义、贩毒或其他违法行为的案件时,可以利用民事罚没这种强大的手段。
I'm sure the duke will never grant this forfeiture to hold! 我相信公爵一定不会让这笔保单被诺许的!
Summons to claimant on application for forfeiture 接获没收申请书后向申索人发出的传票
The prospect spares no blushes in spelling out the risks involved in doing business in Russia, including "the use of government power" against companies through tax, environmental and prosecutorial probes with penalties including forfeiture and nationalisation. 招股说明书毫不讳言在俄罗斯做生意的各种风险,包括“政府动用权力”通过税收、环保和司法调查等手段来对付企业,处罚措施则包括没收和国有化等。
Reed was sentenced to forfeiture of all benefits. 里德被判处没收所有收益。
The Swiss foreign ministry says the legislation governs the "freezing, forfeiture and restitution" of the assets of what it calls "politically exposed" people. 瑞士外交部说,这条法律负责冻结,没收和归还所谓的“政治公众人物”的资产。
Expert Group on the Forfeiture of the Proceeds of Drug Crimes 没收毒品犯罪活动收益问题专家组
He was deep in debt and faced with forfeiture of his property. 他负债累累,面临财产被没收的境地。
The board is of the opinion that anyone who helps facilitate an illegal transaction could be liable for a forfeiture claim. 该委员会认为,任何人谁可以帮助促进了非法交易,可能会没收请求负有责任。
They are seeking forfeiture of funds held in Chinese bank accounts. 他们正寻求没收这些公司在中国的银行账户里的资金。
If goods are detained at americanus customs and in the face of forfeiture, manufacturers and exporters shall timely entrust lawyers to appeal or engage in a lawsuit. 如果货物被美国海关扣押面临罚没危险时,制造商和出口商如就应当及时委托律师进行行政申诉或者诉讼。
Her attorney had argued that it was unfair to proceed against Palfrey because her assets remain seized in a civil forfeiture case, meaning she lacks the money to hire an attorney of her choice. 她的代理人有主张对骑用的马提出告诉是不公平的因为她资产保持抓住在一个市民的丧失情形,意义她缺乏钱到租金她的代理人选择。
Furthermore, the shipper understands that civil and criminal penalties, including forfeiture and sale, may be imposed for making false or fraudulent statements. 而且,托运人知晓如果做了错误和欺诈的陈述将会受到民事和刑事处罚,包括对货品的没收和拍卖。
No proceedings for the forfeiture or revocation of a patent may be instituted before the expiration of two years from the grant of the first compulsory license. 自授予第一个强制许可之日起两年届满前不得提起取消或撤消专利的诉讼。
The tender Security so deposited will be liable to forfeiture if the bidder fails to accept any order within the validity period of the offer. 如果投标者未能在报价有效期内接受订单,存放的投标保证金将被没收。
Such forfeiture shall include all dividends declared in respect of the forfeited shares and not actually paid before the forfeiture. 此种没收应包括有关被没收股的全部已经宣布,但在没收前尚未真正支付的红利。
Forfeiture of something highly valued for the sake of one considered to have a greater value or claim. 为了得到更高的益处和主张而宁愿丧失一些非常珍贵的权利和名誉。
Vessels caught in violation of the law face seizure and forfeiture of their equipment and boat. 此外,违反法令的船只及其设备将被扣留或没收。
To penalize by fining or demanding forfeiture. 处以罚金罚款或强制没收以示惩罚。
Notice to Surety for Appellant before Forfeiture of Recognizance 没收担保前致上诉人的担保人的通知
Give notice in writing to the director that he claims that the ship is not liable to forfeiture. 向处长发出书面通知,声称该船不可予以没收。
There is abolished so much of the punishment for any offence as consists in any General Forfeiture of lands or of goods and chattels or in being removed from Hong Kong or otherwise incapacitated to sue or be sued. 任何罪行的惩罚中,属概括地没收土地或财物及实产、或移离香港、或丧失起诉或被起诉的资格者,现予废除。
Notice of seizure of a ship liable to forfeiture 可予没收的船只扣押通知书
The Swiss bank said the so-called special plan awards, which were disclosed in annual results yesterday and are to be awarded this year, would have strict forfeiture conditions. 这家瑞士银行表示,在昨天公布的全年业绩报告中披露、并将于今年授予的所谓特别计划奖,将有严格的限制条件。