V-ERG (使)(织物、绳子等)磨损;(使)磨散 If something such as cloth or rope frays, or if something frays it, its threads or fibres start to come apart from each other and spoil its appearance.
The fabric is very fine or frays easily... 这种布料非常精细,或者说容易磨损。
The stitching had begun to fray at the edges... 边上的针脚磨得已经开始脱线了。
Her washing machine tends to fray edges on intricate designs. 她的洗衣机经常会把织物上的一些复杂图案的边缘磨坏。
...fraying edges in the stair carpet... 楼梯地毯磨损的边角
He wore frayed jeans and cowboy shirts. 他穿着磨破的牛仔裤和牛仔衬衫。
V-ERG (使)烦躁;(使)恼火;(使)紧张 If your nerves or your temper fray, or if something frays them, you become nervous or easily annoyed because of mental strain and anxiety.
Tempers began to fray as the two teams failed to score... 随着两队都没能破门得分,大家渐渐沉不住气了。
This kind of living was beginning to fray her nerves. 这种生活开始让她神经紧张。
N-SING 竞争;争斗;争论 The fray is an exciting or challenging activity, situation, or argument that you are involved in.
There will have to be a second round of voting when new candidates can enter the fray... 将不得不进行允许新的候选人加入角逐的第二轮投票。
He would be inspiring young people to get into the political fray. 他会激励年轻人投身政治战斗。
PHRASE 不确定;不稳定;趋于崩溃;渐遭破坏 If you say that something is fraying at the edges or is fraying around the edges, you mean that it has an uncertain or unsteady quality, for example because it is gradually being spoiled or destroyed.
There are signs that the alliance is now fraying at the edges... 有迹象表明该联盟现正分崩离析。
Their marriage is getting a little frayed around the edges... 他们的婚姻开始出现裂痕。
The champion, too, looked frayed at the edges. 冠军看上去也紧张、焦躁。
There are signs that the alliance is now fraying at the edges 有迹象表明该联盟现正分崩离析。
Or perhaps conditions and fraying nerves will lead to a very violent, very bad denouement. 或许,天气状况和紧张情绪将导致极端暴力的、非常糟糕的结局。
Stephen, an elbow rested on the jagged granite, leaned his palm against his brow and gazed AT the fraying edge of his shiny black coAT-sleeve. 斯蒂芬一只肘支在坑洼不平的花岗石上,手心扶额头,凝视着自己发亮的黑上衣袖子那磨破了的袖口。
By contrast, the order in Europe is only fraying at the edges. 相比之下,欧洲的秩序只是在边缘出现紊乱。
Traditional family values are enjoying a revival among better-educated Americans, but are fraying in the lower middle class and have collapsed among the poor. 受过良好教育的美国人越发崇尚“传统家庭观念”,下层中产阶级的这方面意识在变淡,而之于贫穷家庭,“传统家庭观念”干脆就已分崩离析了。
The electric cord is fraying and could be dangerous to handle. 电线的外层都磨损了,在拿时可能会有危险。
Recently the state of unity has been fraying at the edges. Ethnic, linguistic and religious divides have deepened, the NGOs said in a statement to coincide with independence celebrations. 这些非政府组织在独立庆典到来之际发表了一份声明,表示:国家的团结在近期受到了侵蚀。种族、语言和宗教方面的分割有所加深。
This scarring is a reflection of missing genetic information due to the fraying of DNA in nuclear fallouts within human history. 这些伤疤是由于DNA在人类史上的核辐射中被磨损而丢失基因信息的反映。
The scarf was fraying at the edges. 围巾的边缘磨坏了。
The effect has been to shake up an old and fraying order dominated by cautious western donors and former colonial powers. 其结果就是,由谨慎的西方捐赠者与前殖民霸权所主导的千疮百孔的旧秩序开始动摇。
Individually moulded for perfect fit with sewn edges to avoid fraying. 分别单独成形,与缝合边缘完全匹配以避免磨损。
To wrap or bind ( a rope, for example) with twine to prevent unraveling or fraying. 包缝为防止脱线或磨损起毛边儿而用细绳包裹或缠绕(如一条绳索)
Burn the thread's end with the lighter to prevent the thread from fraying. 用打火机烧热线的尾端,以防线尾磨损。
The tray at the bottom of the manifold can prevent glass chamber fraying. 底部特配有托盘保护玻璃真空气室,防止其磨损。
So far the protests have remained mostly peaceful but clashes are occurring, tempers are fraying and hardliners on all sides are itching for a fight. 到目前为止抗议活动一直保持着大致的和平,但冲突正在发生,抗议者正在逐渐失去耐心,并且有的强硬派都在准备战斗。
The global reserve system has been fraying for a long time. 他表示:长期以来,全球储备货币体系一直是有问题的。
US-Pakistani relations have been fraying for some time. 美国与巴基斯坦关系不睦已有一段时间。
The alliance with western business is also fraying, as China's bureaucratic capitalism-anchored by state-owned monopolies and mercantilist trade policies-begins to alienate the party's ( genuinely) capitalist friends. 与西方企业的联盟也在瓦解中,以国有垄断企业和重商主义贸易政策为支柱的中国官僚资本主义,正开始疏远党的(真正的)资本家朋友。
China's engagement with Africa has had a transformative effect on the continent's relations with the outside world, shaking up an old and fraying order dominated by cautious foreign donors and former colonial powers, writes William Wallis. 中非交好对非洲大陆与外界的关系产生了变革性影响,动摇了由谨慎的外国捐助者及前殖民列强主导的紧张的旧秩序。
Trade analysts have warned the tactic could backfire by fraying an already strained trade relationship with China at a time when Europe is suffering from a debt crisis and desperate for growth. 贸易分析人士警告称,在欧洲遭遇债务危机、急于实现增长之际,欧方这种战术可能使本已紧绷的欧中贸易关系更加紧张,从而产生反效果。
SELVAGE-a finished edge used to prevent fraying or unraveling of woven wire cloth. 塞尔维奇-一个完成边缘用来防止磨损或梭织布电线解开。
The eurozone has many of the same problems as the US and its currency is already fraying round the edges. 欧元区面临着许多与美国相同的问题,欧元在边缘已开始出现问题。
Finish it off by burning the end of the thread to prevent fraying. 完成后把线线的末端烧一下以防磨损。
Indeed, tensions have been rising and tempers fraying. 实际上,紧张局势一直在加剧,双方的情绪变得愈发焦躁。
It's vital if you're to survive this brilliant but demanding year without exhausting yourself and fraying your nerves. 至关重要的是,如果你要在这光辉灿烂和劳心劳力的一年里过好,请不要耗尽自己,折磨你的神经。
A second silicon valley friendship has also shown signs of fraying for Google this week. 上周,硅谷第二桩伙伴联盟事件也显示出谷歌关系的紧张。
All that was left was the glowing horn shell of her abdomen and thorax-a fraying, partially collapsed gold tube jammed upright in the candle's round pool. 唯一剩下的就是它腹部的坚壳和胸部的碎屑,部分的金色的管状物正好填住蜡烛的小圆坑。
We need to... ensure that there will be sufficient trade financing, because trade is shrinking now, says Mr Aso, who also plans to stress in London the need for an extension and expansion of G20 leaders 'fraying commitment to combat protectionism. 麻生表示:我们需要确保有充足的贸易融资,因为贸易目前正在萎缩。他还计划在伦敦强调,需要延续和拓展G20领导人在抵制保护主义上的承诺,目前这种承诺受到了削弱。
Such guards also protect against fraying by roe deer. 这种保护措施还可防止獐鹿摩擦损伤。
The more you wash'em, the more fraying and distressing you will see. 你越洗'时间,就越磨损和困扰你会看到。