The children are frolicking on the lawn. 孩子们在草坪上嬉戏。
The children were frolicking happily in the snow. 孩子们在雪地里活蹦乱跳。
When I realized I could not compete with the frolicking for attention of happy puppies, oblivious to their own fate, I retreated to a far corner and waited. 当我意识到我永远都不可能争得过那些嬉笑打闹的小狗时,我退到一个偏远的角落,静静地等待着命运的到来,而他们显然对自己将要面对的命运还一无所知。
I want to go back home, the village in childhood frolicking hillside walk. 我想回到故乡的村寨,在童年时嬉戏玩耍的山坡上漫步。
It features video of humpback whales frolicking in the sea and Australia's Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull interviewing Australian children who oppose Japan's whaling program. 该影片录制了驼背鲸在水中嬉戏的画面以及澳大利亚环境部长MalcolmTurnball对反日本鲸鱼项目的澳大利亚儿童的采访。
For Xiong Li, a 32-year-old newlywed from Guangzhou, a honeymoon frolicking on the white sand beaches and in the azure waters of Mauritius amounts to a dream come true. 来自广州的熊莉(音译)今年32岁,刚刚结婚。对她来说,到毛里求斯度蜜月,在洁白的沙滩上、在蔚蓝的海水里嬉戏,那简直无异于美梦成真。
Those lovely boys and girls were here and there, giggling, shouting, and frolicking with joy. 到处都是这些男孩和女孩,笑着,喊着,欢乐地嬉闹着。
A Brit, a Frenchman and a Russian are viewing a painting of Adam and Eve frolicking in the garden of Eden. 英国人、法国人和俄国人一起看着一幅亚当和夏娃在伊甸园里嬉戏的画。
In the center of this fountain is a frolicking bronze family. 在这座喷泉中央,是正在嬉戏的铜像家庭。
As this collection of photographs shows, the pigs are remarkably well adapted to their beach bum lifestyle of frolicking the water and lazing on the sand. 从这组照片中我们可以看到,这些小猪非常适应海滩流浪汉的生活,它们悠游自在地戏水,躺在沙滩上消磨时光。
Washington, D.C., was spared the big winter storm it had been expecting Wednesday, but President Obama and his daughters were still seen frolicking in the snow – at least in this adorable photo he posted online. 华盛顿特区被周三预期的暴风雪恣肆,但是还看到奥巴马总统和女儿们在雪中嬉戏,至少在这张他传到网上的可爱照片中。
Grandpa Bill loves young people, especially young female people frolicking in the sunshine! 你爷爷喜欢年轻人,特别是年轻女性在阳光下嬉戏!
That hasn't stopped Cisa from creating an online "sexy calendar" with yet more temptresses frolicking among the coffins. 尽管如此,希萨公司还是在网上推出了“性感日历”,其中有更多的香艳女郎在棺材之间嬉戏。
I saw them turning dim and bright now and then just like children winkling or frolicking or chatting with each other. 我看见它们时明时暗,就像人在眨眼,或者像它们在追逐,在说话。
Little Bao was happy as a puppy frolicking in the snow. 小小宝快活得好像雪天的小狗。
Such rhetoric came as a shock in a country where Indians face discrimination in almost every walk of life and where two of the top television comedy acts are white men frolicking around as silly Indian women in colorful skirts. 这种方式让这个印第安人处处受歧视的国家大为震惊,在这个国家,就连人气最旺的两位白人电视喜剧明星也借助于打扮成穿着艳丽裙子、傻乎乎的印第安妇女嬉闹取宠。
The young lambs were frolicking in the field. 小羊在田野里嬉戏。
I called you literally frolicking find a place to sit down and 我嬉闹的叫你随便找个地方坐下
For many years thereafter, the two families watched the faithful friends frolicking and chasing each other down that well-worn path between their houses. 此后多年中,两家邻居不时会看到这对忠实的朋友嬉戏玩耍,在两家房子之间的小路上你追我赶。
They include Sheep Frolicking with the Sea. 有绵羊戏海、飞鹰扑浪。
They were like horses led to pasture, or like frolicking lambs, praising you, their Lord, who had delivered them. 他们有如牧场上牧放的小马,跳跃有如羔羊,赞美你,拯救他们的上主。
Lambs and piggies were frolicking in the field at the waist of the mountain, they were naughty and joyful. 羔羊和女人都在外地猪仔的腰部山上,他们被顽皮和欢乐。
The fish in the river in green waves frolicking in time, return in mouth found several bubbles, small ducks swimming in the water merrily on. 河里的小鱼儿在绿波中嬉戏,不时嘴里还冒出几个泡泡,小鸭子在水面上欢快地游动。
From these two senses, you abstract the image of original cloud and frolicking in the bedroom to care the image of universe extensively, no doubt to go forward deeply. 从这两个意义上来说,你把原来的有形象的云雨形象、男欢女爱形象抽离,化成更大的一种对宇宙形象的关怀,无疑是往更深的方面前进了一步。
Other highlights included the local delicacies of reindeer in chocolate sauce and spicy musk ox, whales frolicking offshore, and a rather fine pair of seal-skin knickers in the local museum. 其他精彩故事包括蘸巧克力酱的驯鹿和风味麝牛等本地美食,海边嬉戏的鲸,当地博物馆的一条很不错的海豹皮短裤。
We walked down to the sea where a group of suntanned children were frolicking on the beach. 我们走到海边,那儿一群晒得黑黑的小孩在海滩上嬉闹。
From the Rainbow Garden comes the joyful laughter of lovely children frolicking with glee. 彩虹园里,传来小孩子的欢笑声,快乐的追逐嬉戏着,多么可爱。
Frolicking behaviors are helpful for children to relieve pressure, tension and anxiety. 嬉戏行为可以帮助幼儿放松压力,缓解紧张和忧虑。
The thesis reports the research results of 4-6 year-old children's frolicking behaviors. 本文是4&6岁幼儿同伴嬉戏行为研究结果的呈现。
Frolicking behaviors can bring young children sense of beauty. 嬉戏行为可以带给幼儿美的感受。