Lincoln as a young frontiersman read Plutarch, Shakespeare and the Bible. 林肯年轻拓边时曾读过普鲁塔克、莎士比亚以及圣经。
It had a few silver ornaments; though, on the whole, it would have been deemed a plain piece by most frontiersman. 它有几个银饰,从外表上看,大多数边区人都会把它当成是一支普通的武器。
His hired pilot was a frontiersman by the name of Josiah bell. 他雇佣的向导是一个叫约西亚贝尔的来自边疆的人。
Fink: american frontiersman and folk hero known for his marksmanship, fighting skills, and braggadocio. 芬克:以枪法,斗技和吹牛而出名的美国拓荒者和民间英雄人物。
Why would a frontiersman accommodate you? 为什么一个来自边疆的人会接受你?
Daniel Boone, legendary as an early American frontiersman, claimed that when he could see smoke from his neighbor's chimney, it was time for him to move farther west. 据说早期美国拓荒者中的传奇人物丹尼尔-波恩自称,他只要一看见邻居家的烟囱里冒出炊烟,就继续往西迁徙。
He was known as a frontiersman from the state of Tennessee. 当时大家都知道他是一位来自田纳西州的拓荒者。
Pessimists point to the frontiersman belligerence of both Russia and Canada, and the continued refusal of the us to ratify UNCLOS, even though President George W. Bush is urging the Senate to do so. 悲观论者指出,俄罗斯和加拿大边境居民戾气正盛;美国迟迟不承认《联合国海洋法公约》,即使布什总统已敦促参议院予以批准。