We can help in many ways, but perhaps most fruitfully by highlighting the increasing costs of climate change and by mobilizing climate finance from the public and private sectors. 我们可以从许多方面提供帮助,但也许最有成效的作法是就气候变化不断上升的成本提出警告,并动员来自公共和私营部门的气候融资。
That age& the emergence of print culture, the emergence of the public sphere as a medium of influence, has been fruitfully studied from New Historicist points of view. 那个年代,随着印刷文化的出现,公共手段开始成为影响方式,都在新历史主义得到研究,硕果累累。
Wish NBR project formally start up as scheduled and yield fruitfully economic profit. 预祝丁腈橡胶项目如期建成投产,发挥效益。
In particular, I am glad that those participants from India and China were able to network fruitfully here. 更确切地说,我非常高兴有来自印度和中国的参加者能在这里与大家广泛沟通。
With your supports and blessings we will surely move forward triumphantly and fruitfully. 因有您的全力支持与肯定,我们台湾地区总会一定会持续迈向胜利及丰盛的前程!
These are all kinds of devices for marking a book intelligently and fruitfully. 在书上作记号,有各种各样好的、行之有效的方法。
The pair had already been collaborating fruitfully, finding that her dogged pursuit of data and his more theoretical public policy eye were well matched. 这对搭档合作的成果丰硕,他们发现莱因哈特对数据的跟踪能力和罗格夫的公共政策眼光配合的非常好。
The accelerator has been fruitfully combined to explicate economic dynamics. 在用来阐述经济动态学的模型中,加速数一直同乘数卓有成效地结合在一起。
Your time and effort would be more fruitfully spent on another project. 你的时间和精力花在其他项目上将更有成效。
Our discussion will be looking back and looking forward: what can we count as problems solved and unsolvable, and what can we fruitfully address? 我们的讨论会回顾过去,展望未来。我们能够认为哪些问题已经解决,哪些还没有解决,以及能够有效地应对哪些问题。
However, not all college students involved in English learning could be fruitfully rewarded. 然而,并非所有的大学生在英语学习后都能取得丰硕的成果。
How to further school affairs publicily and fruitfully is a question that needs our deliberations and study. Bring University's Discipline Inspection and Supervision Function into full Play in Making School Affairs Public 如何进一步推进和深化校务公开,并取得实效,是值得大家深思和研究的问题。充分发挥高校纪检监察在校务公开中的监督作用
Therefore, we must strive to deepen our understanding, fully comprehend the teaching purposes, skillfully master the teaching contents, and perfectly better the guarantee mechanism, and fruitfully enable the librarians to be the faithful representatives of Chinese advanced culture. 为此,必须努力提高思想认识,充分了解教学目的,熟练掌握教学内容,不断完善保障机制,使广大馆员成为中国先进文化前进方向的忠实代表。
Secondly, making histogram matching between high resolution PAN band in d2 time phase and the first principle component in d1 time phase ( PCd11), then putting up edge filter enhancement with 3 × 3 template tested fruitfully time after time; d2时相高分辨率全色波段PAN与PC1d1进行直方图匹配后,采用了经反复试验效果较好的3×3模板进行边缘滤波增强;
Western translation studies have been developing rapidly and fruitfully in recent years. 近几十年来,西方翻译理论空前繁荣,翻译思想异常活跃,各类著述极为丰富。
As of modern times, many thinkers probed fruitfully into this subject. 近代以来,许多思想家对代价问题做了有益的探索。
We should apply and handle well the law of the creative thought, find out the best joint of the ideological political work and economical work, and do fruitfully the ideological political work. 运用和把握好创造性思维的规律,找准思想政治工作和经济工作的最佳结合点,卓有成效地做好基层思想政治工作。
The teachers can teach fruitfully with vivid presentation, which can construct a complete aesthetics of teaching art. 教师教得实,演得活,就能构成完整的教学艺术美。
Finally explains the main characteristic of the amendment with unique visual angle, fruitfully protecting the copyright owner's economic right, strengthening the contract status of the author and performer, improving them to obtain rational remuneration right, gets abundant embodiment in Germany's new copyright law. 立法者卓有成效地保护著作权人的经济权利,强化作者和表演者的合同地位,提高他们获得合理的报酬权,这在德国新著作权法中得到充分的体现。
Lack of funds, chaos in political situation, destruction of wars, monopoly by bureaucrats, and loss of forest ownership all led to the impossibility of taking measures to flourish forestry fruitfully. 经费缺乏、政局混乱、战争破坏、官僚垄断和林权丧失都造成了兴林举措无法实施或收效不大。
The literator painting is a quite lively academic topic which has been fruitfully studied, but for the related study of scholar painting is correspondingly deficient. 文人画是学术界一个相当热闹的话题,研究成果丰硕,但是对于与其相关的士人画研究却相对欠缺。
Structure is to realize the goals means, the challenge to managers is, how to design a organization structure, make the staff can work fruitfully. 结构是实现目标的手段,对管理者的挑战是,如何设计出一个组织结构,使员工能卓有成效地开展工作。
The Japanese government and people pay much attention to education, putting education in the priority of development of country, used education to promote economic and social development fruitfully, appeared "Japanese miracle", and got the world` s attention. 日本政府和人民对教育给予了高度的重视,始终把教育放在国家发展的优先地位,以教育促进经济和社会的发展,并且卓有成效,造就了日本奇迹,得到世界的广泛关注。
The current Marxism integrity question becomes the domestic one which is concerned to foreign scholars. Regarding this question, the scholars have carried out the research fruitfully and propose many valuable thoughts. 当前马克思主义整体性问题成为国内外学者备受关注的问题,围绕这一问题,学者们卓有成效地开展了研究和探讨工作,提出许多有价值的思想。
Kinetics of soil K+ adsorbing-desorbing were studied fruitfully by predecessors, but it was shor of studying on the changes of soil K adsorbing characters after long-term different application. 前人在土壤钾离子吸附、解吸动力学方面作了颇有成效的研究,但对多年连续不同施肥后土壤钾离子吸附特性方面的研究未曾报道。
As the most fruitfully applied field of behavioral economics, behavioral finance has been developing in the course of criticizing and raising doubts to standard finance ( main-stream finance) and outstanding in the practice of capital market. 作为行为经济学主要的、成功的运用,行为金融学在对主流金融学(又称标准金融学)的批判与质疑中成长壮大,在资本市场实践中显示了强大的力量。
Domestic and overseas scholars research fruitfully surrounding this issue. 国内外学者围绕该问题进行了大量卓有成效的研究。
The learning motivation theories were introduced to China in the 1980s and developed fruitfully due to the persistent work of those involved, such as Professor Gao Yihong and Professor Wen Qiufang. These theories have been applied to our teaching practices and achieved certain accomplishment. 动机理论于上世纪80年代引进到中国,经过像文秋芳教授、高一虹教授等人的不懈努力,针对中国的实际情况,得到了发展和应用。
Functionalist approaches have been fruitfully applied to news translation. 功能翻译理论已广泛应用于新闻翻译研究。