To harvest oil and gas profitably from the North Sea, it must focus on the exploitation of small reserves as the big wells run dry. 随着大型油井的枯竭,要想从北海的石油和天然气开采中盈利,必须着力于开采小储量的油井。
It ought to help investors to allocate money more profitably. 应该帮助投资者更有利润的分配资金。
Here, I want suggest a way to use your time more profitably. 在这里,我想要推荐一种更有效使用时间的方式。
With cloud computing, excess computing capacity can be put to use and be profitably sold to consumers. 有了云计算,就能够把多余的计算能力销售给客户。
Factories have to produce goods that are profitably sold. 工厂得生产出能卖出去并且能获利的商品。
Good training, on the other hand, can make a company run smoothly, efficiently, and profitably. 另一方面,好的培训能使公司平稳,高效地运作,并创造更多利润。
This risk-averse policy is a shame: people with colourful pasts may turn out to be profitably colourful employees. 这种风险厌恶政策是令人羞愧的:过去经历丰富多彩的人,可能会成为带来丰厚利润的雇员。
We must see that our spare time is profitably occupied. 我们一定要有益地利用业余时间。
Micropayments enable ways for nominally priced products and service to be sold profitably over the web. 微支付使一种在名义上定价的产品和服务可以在网上有盈利的出售的方式可行。
Do whatever you can do profitably to attract large affiliates and form key strategic alliances. 尽你最大的努力以吸引大公司,以求形成关键性的战略合作伙伴。
Now, governments with large surpluses set up funds to ensure that this wealth is invested profitably and professionally. 现在,有巨额盈余的政府纷纷成立基金,以确保这些财富以盈利及专业的方式得到投资。
I am profitably engaged in reading Bible. 在阅读圣经中,我受益匪浅。
They will need to find new customers to whom they can profitably lend. 它们需要找到新客户,通过向新客户发放贷款而获利。
They thought they should occupy their leisure more profitably. 他们觉得应当更好地利用空闲时间。
It took several months before the company started to trade profitably. 过了几个月这家公司才开始在贸易中赢利。
He spent the weekend profitably. 他过了一个有收获的周末。
Jones simply walked over at billiards. In this case you could take it apart most profitably. 在弹子戏中,琼斯不费吹灰之力赢了。这样你就能不费吹灰之力地把它拆开。
Collaborating profitably with Google, rather than insulting it, is likely to be a better strategic choice. 与谷歌进行互利合作(而不是攻击它),可能是更好的战略选择。
Mr Obama has in fact been very friendly to business, and corporations are operating profitably. 奥巴马实际上对企业非常友好,企业在盈利。
They invested the money very profitably. 他们的投资大有赚头。
Less profitably, he has put money into companies such as Compaq ( now Hewlett-Packard), Motorola and Kodak. 他也投资过一些回报不那么高的企业,比如Compaq(现在是惠普的一部分)、摩托罗拉(Motorola)和柯达(Kodak)。
In our illustration the business has operated profitably with revenue in excess of expenses. 在我们的举例中,企业是以收入超过费用获利经营的。
You could spend your time more profitably with a good book. 你可以把时间花在一本好书上,这会使你更加受益。
I spent my time profitably, reading a lot and learning a new language. 我卓有成效地利用时间,大量阅读并学了一门新语言。
You can very profitably study the events of Scandinavian history. 研究斯堪的纳维亚半岛的历史对你很有益处。
But profitably growing a business in developing markets deserves credit. 但在发展中市场实现业务增长的同时还能赚到钱,应该受到赞扬。
The shop had not been operating profitably for some time. 这家商店已经有一段时日没有盈利了。
Rising rates, by contrast, should make it easier for banks to deploy money profitably. 相比之下,利率上升应该会让银行更容易以有利可图的方式配置资金。
I thought your time and that of your church could have been used more profitably. 我想你和你的教会,不如把时间用在更有意义的事上吧。
But if it can do so profitably, it will also produce what people mistakenly want. 但如果它可以如此有利可图地运行,它也会生产人们误以为自己想要的东西。