He nearly drove Elsie mad with his fussing. 他的小题大做简直快把埃尔茜逼疯了。
My wife was fussing over the food and clothing we were going to take 我太太正在忙乱地准备我们要带的食物和衣服。
A team of waiters began fussing around the table 一组服务生开始围着桌子团团转。
'Stop fussing,' he snapped. “别大惊小怪的,”他呵斥道。
The sound of John fussing about his breakfast drifted from the kitchen. 从厨房里传来约翰在慌慌忙忙做早饭的声音。
Later this week, you may get a chance to find out what all these celebs are fussing about. 本周晚些时候,你自己也有机会亲自体验这些名人所关注的产品。
I worried that she resented my fussing about what she was eating and whether my father had given her the right pain medication. 我很担心她会对我过分关心她的饮食而感到不满,还担心我的父亲是否给她拿对了止痛药。
I'm sitting on the deck and admiring the view without fussing about the weeds in the garden. 我会坐在甲板上欣赏风景,而不会再为花园中的杂草烦恼;
Second, they spend a lot of time fussing with the form they use for status reporting. 其次,他们花大量时间忙于他们进行状态报告的表格。
Avoid touching your face, hair or jewelry, or fussing with your briefcase. 避免触摸你的脸、头发和首饰,也不要翻动你的公文包。
Stop fussing and get into bed! 别闹了,进被窝!
I picture Alice as more of a tomboy, but she is the one who did all the fussing over Bella for the prom. 我想象中的爱丽丝更像个假小子,可独独就是她对贝拉的舞会热心过度的啊。
What are you fussing about? 你大惊小怪个什么劲儿?
I wish you would stop fussing me about; I'm quite able to look after myself. 但愿你不要为我过于操心了,我挺能照顾我自己的。
Tim, please, just stop fussing me. 提姆,请你别打扰我好不好。
She's always fussing about something or other. 她对任何事情总是大惊小怪的。
There's no fussing about when pressing cups in and out on the M9, it's simple and easy to do. 没有什么大惊小怪杯在什么时候和紧迫的M9了,它简单易做。
Ann is always fussing around her boss and I think she's a bit sweet on him. 安总是围着她的老板团团转,然而我认为她有点迷恋上他了。
She's always fussing about her appearance. 她总是为自己的外表烦神。
Stop fussing about. We shan't miss the train. 坐立不安的,我们不会误了火车的。
She's always fussing over that son of hers as if he were a little boy. 她总是为她的那个儿子而瞎操心,就好像他还是个小孩。
I wish he'd relax for a moment instead of fussing all the time! 我希望他放松一下,别老是这么焦虑不安的。
I suppose Bob's fussing too, I can't see any sign of disturbance myself in the streets. 我猜鲍勃也是在庸人自扰。我在街上看不出任何骚动的迹象。
You can spend your time writing your paper, not fussing over citations and references. 您可以将时间花在写论文上,而不是纠缠于引文和参考资料上。
What's this fussing about? Get them out of here. 这么在忙什么啊,把他们从这里弄出去。
Quit fussing over the poor boy and give him a chance to get his coat off. 别再过分关怀那个可怜的男孩子,给他一个脱去大衣的机会吧。
If you keep fussing about, we're sure to be late. 你要是总瞎忙个没完,我们非迟到不可。
Large or big relative to something else. Stop fussing and eat your food! 相对于别的东西大的。别大惊小怪的,吃你的东西吧!