(上下船用的)跳板,步桥 The gangplank is a short bridge or platform that can be placed between the side of a ship or boat and the shore, so that people can get on or off.
Whatever he saw from that damned gangplank. 不管他从那烂踏板看到什么。
After invading the philippines, the Spanish colonialists used it as a gangplank in an attempt to further conquer china. 摘要西班牙殖民者侵入菲律宾之后,将菲律宾作为侵略中国的基地,企图进一步征服中国。
The passengers stepped down gingerly from the narrow gangplank. 乘客们战战兢兢地从狭窄的跳板上走下船来。
He hurries down the gangplank to hug his waiting wife. 他匆匆忙忙走下跳板,张开双臂去拥抱等候着他的妻子。
She wept when he ran down the gangplank; sobbed as he stood on the dock, waving. 他急步走下跳板,她哭个不停。他站在码头上挥手,她还在呜咽。
The lieutenant appeared at the top of the gangplank, holding Gilbert in his arms. 中尉来到了跳板上,挽着吉尔伯特的胳膊。
The surface of the gangplank was bossed to prevent slipping. 跳板的表面被装上凸出物以防止滑动。
The gangplank was again lowered and they were put ashore. 跳板又一次放了下来,他们于是上了岸。
Police just discovers later, this forum just is an aerosol play, it is a gangplank that leads to more private space. 警方后来才发现,这个论坛只不过是个烟雾弹,是一个通向更秘密的空间的跳板。
Hankou is in the inland and is directly connected to the ocean, accompanied with dual advantages of the coastal areas and interior areas in regional layout and plays a role as gangplank, bridge and go-between. 汉口地处内陆又直通海洋,兼有沿海和内陆双重优势的区位格局,在近代中国对外开放中充当着跳板、桥梁和中间人的角色。
Everyone on board was forced to use the ship's narrow gangplank as a passageway to the dock far below. 有一次船停泊在墨西哥的一个港口,这时正是潮水很高的时候,游客们从船上下到码头必须使用很窄的跳板作为通道。
Dad met us at the gangplank and guided us through the swarms of hawkers and children begging for coins with outstretched hands. 爸爸在跳板上遇到我们,并带我们穿过那群叫卖的小贩和伸手讨钱的儿童乞丐。
The youth and the sailor dropped the gangplank, and the rats came aboard and unloaded the cheese rinds in a flash. 年轻人和老水手放下跳板,老鼠上了船,转眼间就把干酪皮全卸光了。
The result showed that no mouse jumped from the gangplank. 结果:无一只小鼠跳下跳台。
CATV STB is not only an end-platform of digital television and integrated services based on CATV, but also the most significant gangplank of holistic shifting to digital television. 有线数字电视机顶盒是用户接收数字电视和CATV宽带综合业务的终端平台,也是实现有线电视向数字化整体平移的战略跳板;
With the development of deep-space probe technology, many countries begin to study the deep-space probe. Lunar plays a particular role on develop out space as a gangplank and transit base to probe solar system and other ideal star. 随着太空探测技术的发展,各国陆续开展了对外层空间的探测,作为人类探测太阳系和其他星球最理想的跳板和中转基地,月球在开发外层空间中具有特殊的地位。