There was an inch-long gash just above his right eye. 就在他右眼的上方有一条一英寸长的伤口。
He gashed his leg while felling trees. 他砍树的时候砍伤了腿。
He howled like a wounded animal as blood spurted from the gash 当血从伤口中喷出时,他像一只受伤的动物一样嚎叫起来。
He fell back, blood welling from a gash in his thigh. 他向后倒去,鲜血从他大腿上的一个口子里涌了出来。
The little outfit, now stain free, reminded me of the trip to the emergency room with Rowan due to a gash on her head that was caused from a flower pot pulled over by her curious little fingers. 那件干净的小衣服让我想起了带罗温去急诊室那件事。那次,她用好奇的小手指拉倒了一个花瓶,碎片在她头上划开了一道很深的口子。
Lawson was later hospitalized for the gash on his head. 劳森之后入院治疗他头上的伤口。
I sliced a bright yellow kite with a coiled white tail. It cost me another gash on the? index finger and blood trickled down into my palm. 我割断了一只带有白色尾巴的黄风筝,代价是食指又多了一道伤口,血液汩汩流入我的掌心。
I was fortunate; except for a large gash on my left leg, I had mostly minor cuts and bruises. 我真是很幸运,除了在左腿上有一处很深的划伤外,大部分都是小擦伤和无大碍的青紫。
Sheth, British with Sri Lankan roots, has an open gash on his foot. Sheth是英籍斯里兰卡人,他的一只脚被划了很深的一道口子。
Two of his teeth were broken and he had a nasty gash just below his left eye. 左眼下有道严重的伤口,还掉了两颗牙齿。
The gash from the bite got infected, and the farmer eventually died in agony from septic shock. 伤口受到感染,变成败血病,最后农夫痛苦地死了。
Think jonah's getting any gash on the side? 你想乔纳有劈腿吗?
Nathan was treated for minor burns and a gash on his wrist. The salve will heal slight burns. 内森有轻度烧伤,手腕上有一个伤口。这种药膏能治疗轻微烧伤。
They have inflicted the first gash, and a very deep one at that. 他们已经杀了第一刀,这个伤痕是很深重的。
There's also a pair of fighting Stygimoloch, one with a bloody gash. 此外这里还有一对正在相互撕扯的夜叉龙,其中一只身上有道血淋淋的伤口。
He made a gash in the bark of the oak tree with a sharp knife. 他用一把锐利的刀子在橡树的树皮上割了一道锐利的伤口。
She has a nasty gash in her knee. 她的膝盖上有一个很脏的伤口。
He cannot work today; he got a gash in his hand while axing. 他今天无法工作,因为他在使用斧头时手被切伤了。
From a gash on his head. 他头上的刀口正在流血。
He tested his voice to see if he could speak. Gingerly, he felt the gash. 他试了试了他的嗓子,看是否还能发出声音来,然后小心翼翼地触摸砍得很深的伤口。
The deep gash in his arm would take weeks to heal over. 他胳膊上的割伤很深,需要几个星期的时间才能痊愈。
The gash in his leg eventually dosed. 他腿上的那处深长的伤口终于愈合了。
She's got a gash over the eye. 她眼上被划了一道口子。
ADAM: It's not a cut. It's a gash! It's bigger than a cut! Ah! I need a doctor. 亚顿:这不是刮伤,是割伤,比刮伤还深。啊!我要看医生。
Blood poured from a gash in his forehead. 血从他额头的伤口涌出来。
Sarah had bruises on her legs and a gash in her knee. 莎拉腿上擦伤,膝盖上有条又深又长的伤口。
Endeavor astronauts worked for a close look at the three-inch gash in the shuttle's underside. 奋进号宇航员对航天飞机腹部一个3英寸的裂缝做近距离观察。
He has a big gash on his side. 他有一个大伤口在他身体的一边。
After the collision, the body of the ship had a big gash. 船被撞后,船身裂开了一个大口子。
Nick had a large gash on his cheek. 尼克的脸颊上有一道很大很深的伤口。