Boffins at the aquarium admit they are baffled by the appearance of the man's face, which appears to be gawping up at a shark. 博物馆中的研究人员也对这直愣愣盯着鲨鱼看的“男人面孔”感到困惑。
Apparently, if they catch sight of their reflection gawping back at them, they try to fight it. 一个明显的发现就是,如果它们借助鱼缸的反射看到了自己的身影,它们会试图和另一个虚拟的自己打架。
He just sits there gawping at the television all day! 他整天坐在那儿傻里傻气张著大嘴看电视!
They just stood there gawping. 他们只是站在那里发愣。
Don't stand there gawping, come away. 别站在那儿呆望了,走吧。
Don't stand there gawping like a halfwit. 别站在那像个白痴好吗。