Some of the strongest Life Sciences deals may have come from generalist firms. 有些大规模的生命科学交易来自于具有多重商业性质的公司。
If the present era, it is can a generalist education examination of the era of luck and misfortune. 如果现在这个时代能出全才,那便是应试教育的幸运和这个时代的不幸。
In other words, dont try to be a generalist. Figure out what niche you want to occupy, and build your brand around that. 换句话说,不要想方设法令自己显得像个多面手,而应该想清楚你想担任什么职位,据此来建立你的职业品牌。
If you're more of a generalist, find ways to go deep into a subject matter that can benefit others, and share that information where needed. 如果你是个通才的话,试着在某个有利于他人的领域深入研究,必要的时候要共享信息。
A new classification in the rankings differentiates between generalist universities and specialist institutions. 此次调查还就专业类大学和综合类大学分别进行了排名。
The roles of generalist nurses in earthquake disaster rescue 全专业适任护士在地震灾害救援中的地位和作用
The career bounds of types of work become more and more vague, meanwhile, architects will return to the former generalist step by step. 出无同工类之间的职业界线将变得越来越模糊,建建生也将逐步归归到本来的通才状况。
CIC was attracted to investing in the fund manager itself by the core of engineering talent at eig, at a time when many generalist investors are rushing into energy assets. 就在许多全能型投资机构纷纷抢购能源资产之际,以工程技术为核心的eig,吸引了中投的兴趣。
In 1960 Peugeot changed from being a specialist to a generalist: the production of classic sedans and small models. 1960年标志汽车从专业化走向多样化:生产小型轿车和经典私家车。
Being a generalist isn't a bad thing, but being a generalist without any discernible specialized skills, abilities, or talents isn't a great thing, either. 作一个多面手不是坏事,但没作为有任何突出的专门技能或才干的多面手却也不是什么好事。
"Grey whales are very generalist in what they feed on," said Dr Scheinin. “灰鲸的食物来源非常多样化,”谢宁博士说。
We are beginning to find exceptions to this generalist rule, however. 不过,我们也开始找到此通则中的例外。
A generalist was often preferable, they told FSSC researchers, to someone on a new course such as a BSc in risk analysis or international securities, for example. 它们对FSSC的研究人员表示,相比拥有诸如风险分析或国际证券等新课程学位的人,它们往往更倾向于聘用一个通才。
Studies on generalist genes could lead to important advances in neurological research. 在“通才”基因方面的研究能够导致神经病学研究的极大进步。
Higer Education of China in the 20th Century: Tension Between General Education and Specialist Education; The Development of "Generalist" and "Professionals" in Public Security Higher Education 20世纪中国的高等教育:通才教育与专才教育的张力
He has been in China for several years and in his own words considered himself a "generalist" of China. 他已经在中国多年,用他自己的话说,他己是个“中国通”。
A future talent will be a compound talent, who is expert at one while good at all others, namely, an expert and generalist. 未来的人才是复合型人才,是通才加专才,精通一门,知晓所有。
Generalist [ Chinese medicine] The Practices and Opportunities of Hospital Pharmacists in Clinical Trials 药师在药物临床试验中的实践与机遇
It is by nature and tradition a generalist degree. 它是由自然和传统的一通才程度。
He can choose to be a generalist or a specialist, and to focus on one primal energy, fire or electricity. 他能选择成为一个多面手或者某方面的专家,并选择一项主修的魔法能量:火或者电。
General Practitioners in Community Health Care Services, generalist [ Chinese medicine] 全科医生在上海社区卫生服务中的作用全科医师〔中医药〕
I have found shorthand generally to be avoided, because it requires a deeper familiarity with a language than a generalist programmer would possess. 我认为一般情况下都要避免简写,因为这需要对一门语言更加精通,不是一般的多面手程序员所能掌握的。
On Teaching Practice of Generalist and Specialist Training in Discipline of Journalism 新闻传播学科通才与专才培养的教学实践探索
The resurgence of money into venture capital firms has come in spite of their continued underperformance, compared with generalist or big buyout firms. 尽管与从事多种业务的公司或大的收购型公司相比,风险资本公司仍然表现欠佳,但进入这些公司的资金仍再度增多起来。
Any market-based reform of the university, if dose not break the barrier of the institute department, implement the generalist education that humanity and specialty combine together, will miscarry. 大学的任何市场化改革,如果不打破院系壁垒,实行人文与专业相结合的通才教育,都会流产。
Some considerations on generalist education of Chinese medicine 中医药通才教育的几点看法
The Generalist of the Britain Civil Service 英国文官制度中的通才原则
His achievements in the carvings were more prominent. His creation of "Putian School" had a direct impact on the development of Qing Dynasty. In short he was a versatile generalist. 而他在篆刻史上的成就则更为突出,他开创的莆田派直接影响了清代的篆刻发展,他不愧为一个多才多艺的艺术通才。
The real estate enterprises selecting "generalist strategy" or "specialist strategy" should be based on the industrial environment and the capacity of their own. 房地产企业应根据行业发展环境和自身状况选取通才策略或专才策略。