Some of the most prominent tools are Glade, Libglade, and Devhelp. 其中最著名的几个工具是Glade、Libglade和Devhelp。
Gazpacho is an improved editor for Glade UI description files, written in PyGTK. Gazpacho是GladeUI描述文件的改进的编辑器,是用PyGTK编写的。
As the name suggests, Libglade lets you read the Extensible Markup Language ( XML) format that Glade uses to store its user interface description. 顾名思义,Libglade支持读取可扩展标记语言(XML)格式,Glade用XML保存用户界面描述。
And live alone in the bee-loud glade. 独个儿住着,荫阴下听蜂群歌唱。
I'll be a lost glade in which unicorns still play. 我愿成为一片丢失的林中空地,独角兽在此玩耍。
Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee, And live alone in the bee-loud glade. 种上九畦豆子,养一窝蜜蜂,在林中独居,听蜂儿大声嗡嗡。
Andrzej Bobiec passes through a blue-green glade of Scots pine, barely a mile from the Belarusian border. 安德烈。巴别克穿过一片青绿草地,草地上长着一棵苏格兰松树,这里到白俄罗斯的国界连一英里都不到。
A nice skinny dip in a quiet glade takes you back to nature. 在寂静的林间水潭进行惬意的裸泳,真是回到了大自然的怀抱。
In the midst of a glade were several huts. 林中的空地中间有几间小木屋。
While the eternal guard, glade guard and tree Kin form the backbone of the army, quicksilver dryads, wardancers and beast riders slip around the flanks, unleashing deadly and swift attacks upon the opposing army. 永恒卫队、森林卫兵和树怪是军队的中坚力量,而易变的森林女神、战争舞女和各种骑士们则游离在侧翼,给敌人迅速而致命的打击。
Place sharpshooters as far as the glade, and then come and join me. 至于沼泽射击地点,然后与我一同前来。
He had come length of that broad glade, with the island of timber, pointed out by Dick. 他已经到了宽阔的林间空地尽头,这空地就是狄克曾经指点过的,长着密密丛丛树林的那块空地。
As he looked up, the wilderness coalesced, solidified& the glade, the tree he sought, the bush, the watch and the compass glinting where a ray of sunshine touched them. 他抬头一看,那荒野紧缩了,凝结了&林中那片空地,他寻找的那棵树,那灌木,那只表和指南针闪着光,一缕阳光正好射在它们上面。
In the early morning thou wouldst call me from my sleep like my own comrade and lead me running from glade to glade. 清晨你就来把我唤醒,像我自己的伙伴一样.带著我跑过林野。
Soon the Parsee stopped on the borders of the glade, which was lit up by the torches. 过了一会儿,向导到了一块空地的边缘上停了下来。那边的广场被几把树脂火炬照得通明。
The moving grass, the Indian in his glade. 草丛微动,他的林地里散发着印第安人气味。
The traveler sit on a glade in the forest. 旅行者在森林中找到了一块空地。
She simled and talked to some children with severe cerebral palsy, and she is always every glade to communicate with them. 贺晨曦对着哪怕是重度脑瘫的孩子,也会耐心地与他们交流。
When emerging into a glade, one delights in the young pine shoots. 来到空旷的地方,人们很高兴见到松树幼苗。
I leave the gay saloon of new york for the green glade of the country 我离开了纽约欢乐的酒店,来到乡村绿色的林间空地
Are you glade you can no longer see me? 你会因为看不见我而高兴吗?
Black bear cub, lost last night in the widening dark glade beyond the yellow hoops of porch lights, who would not be lured to safety by the game warden's stale doughnuts. 黑熊幼仔,昨夜越过回廊灯光的黄色晕圈,消失在了越来越宽的黑色沼泽里,它不会被守林人发霉的炸面圈诱惑到安全地带。
And the brightness of their smile was gone, from upland, glade, and glen. 高地、空地、幽谷上它们灿烂的微笑全不见。
I am so glade to read your article. 我看你的文章等沼泽。
The third day of the Dai brothers and sisters are so glade to loss the game. 第三天,傣族的哥哥姐姐们都到林间空地做丢包游戏。
I am glade you studied the lesion well. 我很高兴这本书你掌握的很好。
With the Glade of GUI tools in the Linux system, the control interface of the information appliance is designed based on the GTK+ library and the socket programming. 利用Linux系统下的GUI工具Glade,基于GTK+库开发了信息家电的监控界面,通过Socket编程,对信息家电进行监控。
The performance of the cyclone can he evaluated by the method of testing the efficiency of the grain glade. 用测试粒级效率的方法可正确评价旋流器性能的优劣。
A Study on the Stereo Planting Structure of Grass Glade in Lower Mountain-Hill Zones of Granite-gneiss 花岗片麻岩低山丘陵区林草立体种植结构研究
Mainly grow in elevation from 400 to under 3,200 meters of woodland, glade, forest edge and scrub edge, the bulb has high medicinal value and health care is an important Chinese medicine export. 主要生长于海拔400~3200米的疏林下、林中空地、林缘和灌丛边缘,其球茎具有很高的药用和保健价值,也是出口创汇的重要中药材。