I was really gobsmacked when I saw your picture of a model wearing a hat with a toy airplane on it. 看到你照片中的模特戴着一个顶上立着一架玩具飞机的帽子,我真是目瞪口呆。
I can remember feeling gobsmacked, and then calling my wife at home to ask her to start the Lotus Domino services on the home computer. 我还记得当时我大吃一惊,然后我打电话给在家里的妻子,请她启动家里的计算机上的LotusDomino服务。
The paramedics were probably relieved it wasn't a child to start with and then they were absolutely gobsmacked. 我想医护人员们最初听到不是孩子病危时松了一口气,但随后得知实情后则是目瞪口呆了。
I was gobsmacked the first time bear came into our yard, after living in Chicago and New York for years. It got to be more normal, and then we had a mountain lion on our street. 因长期居住芝加哥和纽约,当熊第一次来到我们院子时,我简直惊愕得目瞪口呆。
For example. I was gobsmacked when she told me she was pregnant with triplets. 例如:当我得知她怀孕了,而且怀的是三胞胎,我惊讶的目瞪口呆。
Gobsmacked a truly British expression meaning to be shocked and surprised beyond belief. 惊呆了一个真正地道的英式用法,表示被震惊了吓到了以至于难以相信。
But, Mr english, I'm gobsmacked! 但是,英格力先生,我可是吓大的!
I was slightly flummoxed. well, totally gobsmacked. 我有点惊愕,嗯,真是目瞪口呆了!
Chris Patten, former governor of Hong Kong, says the Chinese are "gobsmacked", having long written off Americans as racist. 前香港总督彭定康(chrispatten)称,中国人“目瞪口呆”,因为他们长期以来都将美国人视为种族主义者。