Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. 我们既是神所生的,就不当以为神的神性像人用手艺,心思,所雕刻的金,银,石。
For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. 因为神本性一切的丰盛,都有形有体的居住在基督里面。
Have you ever realized when you pray for the Holy Spirit, that you are praying for the whole Godhead to take possession of you? 你可知道,当你求圣灵时,就是求上帝掌管你全人,你真能了解这点吗?
The priests lost no power when they set up a king dependent on them in place of the village godhead. 当依赖于神权的国王出现后,取代乡村神父时,神权并未沦丧。
Oh, for grace to treat the LORD as my God: to trust Him and to serve Him, as His Godhead deserves! 愿上帝赐恩,让我能尊崇看待祂是我的上帝,伟大的主;
The book of Odes even contains some passages which describe the feminine aspect of the godhead! 所罗门歌赋甚至有一些描述上帝女性方面之片断!
If the three persons in the Godhead are "the same in substance, equal in power and glory" then what are the differences between the three persons? 假如上帝的三个位格,是本性相同且在权能和荣耀上同等,三位格间有哪些不同?
Siva the God of destruction is also a god of fertility, so that we find opposite notions combined in one godhead. 破坏之神湿婆也是个繁殖之神,因此我们在一个神性中发现相反的概念。
Hence ye find the godhead, to a consciousness of an individual in the earth plane, is three dimensions: father, son and holy spirit. 因此你就会发现,在这地球平面的个体意识来说的上帝也是三维的:圣父、圣子、圣灵。
Certainly those who spread the message of Godhead are most munificent. 的确,那些传播首神讯息的人们是最慷慨的。
Finally," breakingthrough "is a kind of return, because" breakingthrough "allows one to enter into the godhead, the most profound source of human existence. 最后,「突破」也是一种回归,因为「突破」进入神的源头,也就是人存有的最深根源。
The Supreme Personality of Godhead, in His feature of eternal time, is present in the material world and is neutral towards everyone. 至尊人格神以其永恒时间的特征降临物质世界,对任何人都中立。
They depicted the Black Sun-the godhead's inner light in the form of a cross. 他们描写了黑太阳&神性的内在的光在十字形物的形态里面。
From our perspective, you require no person, no entity or organization to be an intermediary between you and your own Higher Self, your own Godhead, your own Divinity. 在我们看来,在你们和你们自己的高我、你们自己的神灵、你们自己的神性之间,并不需要任何人、任何存有或任何组织来作为一个中介。
He humbled Himself; He who possessed the fullness of the Godhead took the form of servant. 他自降身份,他掌控所有的神性,却用了仆人的身份。
Col.2:9 For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. 西二9因为神格一切的丰满,都有形有体地居住在基督里面。
It is our enduring link with the Godhead, the'still small voice'that links us to the essence of the Creator, the divine part of our being. 它是我们与神永久的连接,‘依然细微的声音’连接我们到创造者的本质,到我们生命神性的一部分。
Both to avoid the wrath of jealous juno, and being eager to beguile the maiden's tender heart, he concealed his godhead, and changed his shape, and became a bull. 朱庇特于是隐去了自己的神祗头面,变形成一头牡牛,这样既可以避过多疑善妒的朱诺的震怒,又易于骗取这位少女的柔情。
In this city Nobuyoshi Araki is the master, the godhead, the most famous practitioner of the national pastime. 在这座城市里,荒木经惟是大师,是上帝,是消遣娱乐业最著名的开拓者。
In the Age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings the name of K åñë a. 在喀历年代,有智慧的人举行齐颂圣名来崇拜那位恒常在唱颂奎师那圣名的首神的化身。
It is the causeless mercy of the Supreme Lord that He always tries to bring us back home, back to Godhead. 至尊主出于无缘故的仁慈,总想带我们回归家园,回归神首。
Sarat's soul longed for the all-embracing realization of the Godhead. 萨拉特的灵魂渴望认识包括一切的神性。
Where does the Supreme Personality of Godhead manifest His supremely wonderful pastime form? 在哪里至尊人格首神展示他那崇高而又奇妙的娱乐活动的形体呢?
One can understand Me as I am, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, only by devotional service. 只有通过奉献服务,人才能理解我作为至尊人格神首的本来面目。
The Three persons in the Godhead are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 神格中的三个身位,乃是父、子、灵。
Any one who accepts this philosophy of God's Mercy in suffering conditions, and still makes progress in Krishna Consciousness, it is said that he is sure to go back to Home, Back to Godhead. 任何人在痛苦中接受这一主的仁慈的理论,同时仍在奎师那知觉中稳步前进,那么他便必定能回归家园,回归首神。
And while there is life, there is the joy of the consciousness of the Godhead. 只要有生命,就有感应神灵的快乐。
Ancient Egyptians, just as the Christians, recognized in words the unity of the Godhead, while worshipping many deities that possessed certain influence on human affairs. 古埃及人,正如基督徒一样,在口头上承认神性的统一但却崇拜许多神。
There is only one God ( Godhead), Three Persons. 只有一位上帝,以三个位格存在。
My dear King, the Personality of Godhead is the ultimate controller. 我亲爱的国王,至尊人格首神是终极的控制者。