Comparative Investigation of Yantai Childrens Goiter Rate by Palpation and Ultrasound 用B超和触诊法对烟台市儿童甲状腺肿大率的对比调查
Objective: To increase the knowledge of substernal goiter. 目的:提高对胸骨后甲状腺肿的认识。
Iodine deficiency disorders will lead to goiter, hypothyroidism, mental retardation, cretinism, and so on. 碘缺乏将导致甲状腺肿、克汀病等疾病的发生。
Differential Diagnosis between Thyroid Adenoma and Nodular Goiter by Ultrasound 甲状腺腺瘤与结节性甲状腺肿的超声鉴别诊断
Correlative study on the 2 standards determining endemic areas of goiter 判断地方性甲状腺肿病区的两个指标相应值的探讨
Partial thyroidectomy for toxic goiter was practiced widely. 用甲状腺部分切除治疗急性甲状腺肿一直被广泛采用。
The use of radionuclide131I in treatment of diffuse toxic goiter has become one of the main clinical methods. 利用放射性核素131I治疗弥漫性毒性甲状腺肿已经成为临床的主要方法之一。
Analysis of surgical treatment for 106 cases of nodular goiter 结节性甲状腺肿106例外科治疗分析
CT Diagnosis of Mono-nodular Goiter and Thyroid Adenoma 单发性结节性甲状腺肿和甲状腺腺瘤的CT诊断
Epidemiological study in endemic goiter and cretinism after supplying iodine salt for seventeen years in Napo county, guangxi 持续供应碘盐十七年后那坡县地方性甲状腺肿和地方性克汀病流行病学研究
A crystalline compound used as an antithyroid drug in the treatment of goiter. 一种晶状化合物,在治疗甲状腺肿时用作抗甲腺药剂。
Endemic Goiter is mainly distributed in the southern part of Guizhou Province, Womens incidence of this disease is higher than mens. 地甲病主要分布在我省南半部,女性的发病率高于男性。
Conclusions High iodine intake made the medicine-induced goiter of rats chang into high iodine's goiter and made some area proliferate actively, might change into carcinomas. 结论高碘可使药物性甲状腺胀变成高碘性甲状腺肿,并使某些区域增殖活跃,有恶变的可能。
The ultrasonography characteristics of nodular goiter with thyroid carcinoma 结节性甲状腺肿合并甲状腺癌的超声声像图特征
Conclusion: Thyroid adenoma and nodular goiter have different features of Color Doppler ultrasographies, which are of important clinical significance in the differential diagnosis. 结论:彩色多普勒超声可提高结节性甲状腺肿和甲状腺腺瘤的鉴别诊断水平,具有重要的临床意义。
However, CD10 was negative in all cases of non follicular variant of papillary carcinoma, follicular adenoma, adenomatous goiter and normal thyroid tissue. CD10在非滤泡型乳头状癌、滤泡性腺瘤、腺瘤性甲状腺肿和正常甲状腺组织中均不表达。
In clinical practice, they are often used together to treat nodules such as goiter and scrofula. 在临床实践中,他们经常一起使用,以治疗诸如结节性甲状腺肿与瘰。
Surgical Treatment in 18 Cases with Substernal Goiter 胸骨后甲状腺肿18例手术治疗分析
Discussion on the complications and reoperation skills of recurrent nodular goiter 复发性结节性甲状腺肿原因及再手术技巧探讨
Analysis of the difference between palpation and ultrasonic method on diagnosing goiter 触诊与B超法诊断甲状腺肿大的差异及原因分析
The ultrasonic examination of angiogenesis activity in benign and malignant nodules of nodular goiter 结节性甲状腺肿良、恶性结节血管生成活性的超声检测价值
Results The recurrent nodular goiter was related to the type of disease, surgical procedure and irregular TSH inhibition after operation. 结果:结节性甲状腺肿术后复发与病变类型、手术方式选择及术后无规律TSH抑制治疗等密切相关。
Effect Evaluation of Iodized Edible Salt Control of Endemic Goiter in Lantian County 蓝田县食用碘盐防治地方性甲状腺肿效果评价
Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of Xiehuo Yangyin powder ( XHYY) in treating the initial stage of toxic and diffuse goiter ( Graves disease). 目的:观察中药泻火养阴散治疗初发毒性弥漫性甲状腺肿(格雷夫斯病)的治疗效果。
Diagnostic Value of High Frequency Color Doppler Ultrasonography in Nodular Goiter and Thyroid Adenoma 高频彩超对甲状腺腺瘤及结节性甲状腺肿的诊断价值
Retrospective analysis on 29 cases of solitary nodular goiter misdiagnosed as thyroid adenoma 单发结节性甲状腺肿29例误诊为甲状腺腺瘤的回顾分析
Total Thyroidectomy for Bilateral benign Multinodular Goiter D: I think a subtotal thyroidectomy is necessary. 我想需要做个甲状腺次全切除术。
Results The main symptoms of substemal goiter were asymptomatic cervical mass in20 patients, airway obstruction in6 ones, and hyperthyroidism and hoarseness in3 ones, respectively. 结果临床表现主要为无症状颈部肿物20例,颈部肿物伴随憋气6例,伴随甲亢和声音嘶哑各3例。