Removal of the goitre may be necessary if it is causing difficulty with breathing or swallowing. 取消对甲状腺肿可能是必要的,如果这是造成呼吸困难或吞咽。
Goitre can occur as a normal feature of puberty and pregnancy and is not caused by disease. 甲状腺肿可发生作为一个正常的特点,青春期和怀孕,是不是所造成的疾病。
Effect of combined modality for locally recurrent rectal cancer Prevention and treatment of recurrent nodular goitre 直肠癌术后复发的综合治疗疗效分析结节性甲状腺肿术后复发防治的探讨
Results of diagnosis of 2 900 child with goitre 2900名儿童甲状腺肿诊断情况分析
Diagnosis and Differentiation of Nodular Goitre at Thoracic Inlet with Spiral CT 胸腔入口区结节性甲状腺肿的螺旋CT诊断与鉴别诊断
In Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu, iodine deficiency and related goitre are endemic although, in Fiji and Papua New Guinea, great progress was made recently through salt iodization. 在斐济、巴布亚新几内亚和瓦努阿图,碘缺乏及甲状腺肿为地方流行病,尽管斐济和巴布亚新几内亚最近通过食盐碘化行动在疾病控制方面取得了很大进展。
One cause of goitre is iodine deficiency. 原因之一甲状腺肿是缺碘。
Caution must be exercised in the case of hypersensitivity to iodinated contrast media, latent hyperthyroidism and bland nodular goitre. 对碘造影剂过敏、隐匿性甲状腺亢进和轻微甲状腺肿的病例,应慎重。
Goitre: Enlargement of the thyroid gland, causing a prominent swelling at the throat. 甲状腺肿:一种临床征象,表现为甲状腺体积增大,导致颈部前方肿胀。
The highest mean serum Tg level ( 66.98 ng/ ml) was found in Kosti city, which also had the highest prevalence of goitre. 库斯提市的平均血清甲状腺球蛋白水平最高(66.98ng/ml),并且该市甲状腺肿的患病率也最高。
Endemic goitre surveillance in Hubei Province in 1986 湖北省1986年地方性甲状腺肿病情监测试点工作报告
Study on the Diagnosis and Measurement of Children's Goitre by Ultrasonography 彩超诊断甲状腺腺瘤的体会应用B超研究儿童甲状腺体积
This paper reported that urine iodine of inhabitants and pupils increased and the goitre rate decreased after taking iodized salf for one year. 报告了吃人工加碘盐后,居民和学生的尿碘水平上升,甲肿率下降,学生血清TSH、TT4和FT4恢复到正常水平。
Effectiveness of oral iodized oil micro capsule on endemic goitre 口服碘化油微型胶囊治疗地方性甲状腺肿效果观察
Objective To investigate the features and management of goitre in Pendred's syndrome. 目的探讨Pendred综合征之甲状腺肿的特点及处理。
Conclusion The cause of the non-endemic goitre has concern with iodine deficiency. 结论非地方性甲状腺肿的病因与碘缺乏有关。
Conclusions Both low iodine and high iodine intake are main risk factors of endemic goitre. 结论机体摄碘不足和过高均是地方性甲状腺肿的主要危险因素。
Clinical and Pathological Analysis of Nodular Goitre with Tumor 结节性甲状腺肿伴发肿瘤的临床病理分析
Goitre rate at ultrasonic level of 10-year-old children in Harbin City 哈尔滨市区10岁儿童超声波水平的甲状腺肿大率
The epidemiological study of high iodine goitre caused by water 水源性高碘致甲状腺肿的流行病学研究
The cure rate of goitre caused by iodine deficiency was 86.8%. 碘缺乏性甲状腺肿大治愈率86.8%。
The design and Realization of goitre expert diagnosis and consultation system 甲状腺肿大专家诊断与咨询系统的设计与实现
It disappears in patiens with Graves disease, secondary hypothyroidism, Graves ophthalmopathy and a part of nontoxic nodular goitre. Graves病、继发性甲减、Graves眼病和部分非毒性结节性甲状腺肿患者TSH昼夜节律消失。
Epidemiological Characteristics of Endemic Goitre with High lodine Intake in Shandong Inland Areas 山东内陆高碘地方性甲状腺肿流行病学特点
Clinical observations on the treatment of endemic goitre with furazabol 去脂舒治疗地方性甲状腺肿的临床观察
Higher incidence of endemic goitre disease was found in limestone areas with deficiency in iodine. 碘含量低的石灰岩地区,地甲病患病率高。