I could spend each day gorging on chocolate 我可以每天只吃巧克力就够了。
Scientists have found that a key part of the brain which stops the body from acting on impulse – and gorging – does not function as well in those who are overweight or obese. 科学家们近日发现,通常人大脑中阻止身体冲动行事和狼吞虎咽的关键组成部分,却没有办法在超重者或肥胖者的大脑内发生作用。
I had both my feet on the back of the shark. He sure didn't mind and just wanted to keep gorging on the free meal! 我把两只脚都放在了鲨鱼的背上,我猜它是不会介意的,因为它正忙着狼吞虎咽免费的午餐呢!
These researchers quite frequently see similar effects in rats that have been gorging on chocolate as those given cocaine. 研究人员经常发现吃巧克力和可卡因对小白鼠有相似的作用。
Gorging on all the data available today has made us a nation of distracted thinkers. 现今,吞食所有可用信息让我们的国家充斥着注意力涣散的思考者。
This goes against the long-held theory that people who skip breakfast simply make up for it by gorging on food later on. However, breakfast eaters were likely to expend more energy-around 442 calories-by being active, mainly in the morning after eating. 这和之前人们认为的不吃早餐会使人之后进食更多的想法截然相反。然而,吃早餐的人确实会因为更加活跃消耗更多能量约442大卡,尤其是在早饭后那一段时间。
Apple appears to be gorging on consumer demand for its smartphone. 消费者对iPhone的需求似乎让苹果赚得盆满钵满。
While Myanmar is a mouthwatering a proposition, gorging on it too soon carries a lot of risk. 虽然缅甸令人垂涎,但过于着急地狼吞虎咽也可能带来很多风险。
We saw a vulture gorging on some rotting carcase. 我们看见一只秃鹫正在贪婪地啄食腐尸。
Sammi Cheng has been gorging on papaya to lose weight, she lost it enough! 郑秀文就曾经大吃木瓜来减肥,她够瘦吧!
We came across a crocodile scarcely able to move after gorging on some dead animal. 我们看见一条鳄鱼在饱啖死犬之后,几乎一动也不能动了。
Then, while the peripheral countries such as Greece were gorging themselves on cheap money, even the Germans turned a blind eye. 然而,当希腊等外围国家对着廉价资金狼吞虎咽的时候,连德国人都对此视若无睹。
After gorging himself with the delightful fare, lbrahim the wise drank deeply from the river, and lolled on the grass, sure that his prayer had been answered, and that he would never have to toil more. 智慧的易卜拉欣狼吞虎咽地吃下了这让人心旷神怡的美食,又到河里喝了不少水,慵懒地躺在草地上,心想自己的祈祷应验了,从此不必再劳碌。
A short period of gorging on junk food has a more permanent effects on body size and the way it stores fat – even after the initial weight is lost, the study found. 最新研究发现,短时间的过度食用垃圾食品会对身材以及人体储存脂肪的方式造成永久影响&即使最终减掉了因贪吃而增加的重量,结果还是如此。
They had been gorging fruit in the forest. 他们方才一直在森林里狼吞虎咽地大嚼野果。
All died of broken necks after slamming into windowpanes, apparently after gorging themselves on berries that had begun to rot, turning the juice inside to alcohol, Wehsely said. 威斯利说,这些鸟均是在猛烈撞击窗玻璃后因折断脖子而死亡的。很显然它们食用了大量已经开始腐烂且其汁液正逐步转化成酒精的浆果。
She sat in front of the television, gorging on chocolates. 她坐在电视机前大吃巧克力。
The politics of reform has recently focused on higher capital requirements to stop banks from gorging on risky assets until they become too big to fail. 近期,改革的政治层面聚焦于提高资本金要求,以阻止银行吞下大量高风险资产,直到自身变得“太大而不能倒闭”。
After gorging themselves silly on cheap credit, about a year and a half ago US consumers began a much needed detox. 在愚蠢地对廉价信贷进行了一番狼吞虎咽后,大约一年半以前,美国消费者开始了亟需的戒毒过程。
James Gillray. 1787. George III, Queen Charlotte, and the Prince of Wales gorging at the public trough. 1787年,乔治三世、夏洛特王后和威尔士亲王在公共水槽边狼吞虎咽。
In the midst of gorging myself, I forgot to take photos of the food goodness going on. 在我投入地狼吞虎咽之间,我忘了帮那些美味的食物拍照。
Utterly full after gorging on the delicious meat and wine, it was time to head back to Como. 在尽情享受美食佳酿、酒足饭饱后,是时候回到科摩了。
They said:'Research indicates eating quickly, gorging and binge eating have a substantial effect on being overweight. 一开始,研究人员们观察了肥胖男子和精瘦男子在食物咀嚼方面的不同之处。
Specifically, if they skimped on breakfast, they would make up for it by gorging at lunch, more or less. 具体说,如果他们没吃早饭,他们午饭就要大吃一顿大致补齐。
No Taiwanese festival is complete without gorging yourself on food and the Lantern Festival is no exception. 遇上节庆,台湾人少不了要大快朵颐一番,而元宵节也不例外。