Gregory shared confidences with Carmen. 格雷戈里和卡门说了知心话。
Mr Reddy has been honoured by the Pope by being made a knight of St Gregory. 雷迪先生被教皇授予“圣格列高利骑士”的荣誉称号。
Gregory's father had implanted in him an ambition to obtain an education 格雷戈里的父亲早就向他灌输了要接受教育的志向。
Gregory would interview them, and would play one off against the other. 格雷戈里会采访他们,并会挑动他们彼此相斗。
The university refused to let Dick Gregory speak on campus. 这所大学不让迪克·格雷戈里在校园里发表演说。
Gregory poured another glass of white wine and went back to his bedroom. 格雷戈里又倒了一杯白葡萄酒后回到了卧室。
Gregory was still enchanted with Shannon's youth and joy and beauty 格雷戈里仍为香农的朝气、快乐和美丽着迷。
Gregory: I know, and we have a very fair compensation package for those who decide to quit. Gregory:这点我也想到了。我们将给决定辞职的员工一笔相当公道的补偿金。
The study was conducted by strategic management professor Chris Bart of Canada's McMaster University and Gregory McQueen of A.T.Still University in Arizona. 加拿大麦克马斯特大学的战略管理学教授克里斯巴特和在亚利桑那州的A.T.斯蒂尔健康科学大学的格雷戈里麦奎因开展了这项研究。
But Gregory argues that genomes embody the very mix of adaptation and arbitrariness that Darwin had in mind. 但格雷戈里认为,基因组恰好体现了达尔文的初衷:适应性和随意性的混合体。
WAITER: I'm Gregory, madam, and I'm your waiter this evening. 服务员:我是格雷戈里,夫人,我是您今晚的服务员。
Finally, with his music, Daniel Gregory Mason had won over the master. 丹尼尔•格里格利•梅森终于凭着他的音乐,赢得了大师的尊重。
His replacement: his long-time CFO Gregory Hayes. 他的接任者将是长期担任公司首席财务官的格雷戈里o海耶斯。
Gregory Brown, who is now a professor of exercisescience, learned this the hard way. 现在是运动科学教授的格雷戈里·布朗费了一番周折才懂得这点。
Mary: Well there was Robert Taylor, Frank Sinatra, Walter Pidgeon and Gregory Peck. 玛丽:哦,有罗伯特?泰勒、弗兰克?西纳特拉、沃尔特?皮约翰和格利高里?派克。
I got your name and number through Mr. Gregory Benford. 我从格雷戈里·本福特先生那里知道你的大名和电话号码。
You are Howard Gregory thomas. 你是霍华德格雷高里托玛斯。
What you're discussing with gregory. 你在和gregory讨论什么呢?
Lots of people helped with reviewing drafts and giving us ideas, including Janet Gregory. 许多人帮忙审阅了草稿并反馈意见,包括JanetGregory。
Gregory: she's got herself in a picture. 她让自己在照片上露脸了。
Pope Gregory reformed the calendar. 波普·格雷戈里改进了日历。
Within an hour Gregory Steven's career was terminated. 不出一小时,格雷戈里·史蒂文斯的前程就算完结了。
Rock Hudson, Cary Grant, Marlon Brando and Gregory Peck. 哈德森,卡里格兰特,马龙·白兰度和格雷戈里·佩克。
Gregory Peck! He looks like Abraham Lincoln. 他演起来太像亚伯拉罕·林肯了。
Gregory: Thanks, I'll try it. I think I deserve it. 葛瑞格利:谢谢,我会试试看。我觉得那是我应得的。
When Gregory finally proposed to her in 1929, Alma accepted. 当格雷戈里最终于1929年向她求婚时,阿尔玛答应了。
My friend Gregory knows a friend of the nephew of the inventor. 我的朋友格里高利认识那个发明者的侄子的朋友。
One of my great-great-grandfathers my grandma gregory's grandfather, was italian. 我的一个高祖父,也就是我祖母格雷戈理的祖父,是意大利人。
It's obvious you and Gregory are playing hooky. 很明显你和gregory逃学了。
the Italian pope who fought to establish the supremacy of the pope over the Roman Catholic Church and the supremacy of the church over the state (1020-1085)