She was feeling a bit groggy when I saw her. 我看见她的时候,她有点虚弱无力。
This way they wake up less groggy and more refreshed. 这样会减轻用户醒来时的无力感,让他们觉得更加精力充沛。
Before you go through any more groggy and crabby days, try these 12 ways to improve nighttime sleep and avoid daytime sleepiness. 再你经历更多的没有生机和易暴躁的日子之前,试一下下面的十二种方法来改善你的夜晚睡眠质量并避免日间困倦。
Have you ever noticed how you feel groggy and sluggish in a hot room? Turning the temperature down or moving to a cooler place is an easy way to focus your mind and body. 你是否注意到在炎热的房间里人会变得头昏眼花,懒散无力?想要集中精力体力做事,最简单的方法就是把室内温度调低,或者搬到凉快的地方。
Oftentimes, you're feeling groggy in the mornings because you're not getting good-quality sleep. 很多时候,你早晨起来时感到头晕目眩是因为你没有得到高质量的睡眠。
Feeling groggy leads to lower productivity, and means more time spent on certain tasks than is necessary. 一上午都感觉昏昏沉沉导致效率比较低,这代表在完成某些工作任务上比所需的时间长。
Often people feel groggy and slow for the first hour or two after waking up. 醒来后的前一两个小时常常让人感到昏昏沉沉、动作缓慢。
Dr. Baxter's groggy, wee-hour epiphany wasn't a fluke. 巴克斯特医生在凌晨疲惫之时的顿悟并非侥幸。
And how does it feel to live without sugar for a while? Jason Burt said that for a month they felt groggy. 没有糖的生活如何呢,詹森伯特说,一个月时间不吃糖,让她感觉全身无力。
Others, like high fat meals ( think cheeseburgers and BLTs) provide more sustained energy, but require our digestive system to work harder, reducing oxygen levels in the brain and making us groggy. 而其他的呢,比如说高脂肪食物(肉饼啊,三明治之类)提供更加持续的能量,但是要求我们的消化系统更加努力运转,同时降低大脑中氧含量,让我们觉得昏昏沉沉。
Surprisingly, the result isn't a population of groggy people, but one that is getting more efficient sleep. 令人惊讶的是,这么做的结果并非导致这些人整天睡不醒、头昏眼花,而是让他们获得了更多的有效睡眠。
The sleeping pills letf her feeling very groggy. 那安眠药弄得她迷迷糊糊的。
Although she was groggy, she managed to flash me a grin. 尽管她处于半昏睡状态,但仍尽力向我露出了微笑。
You're gonna be under conscious sedation, which means you'll be awake, but groggy. 你将接受镇静剂,意思就是你会醒着,但是晕乎乎的。
The operation went well and, as the groggy man regained consciousness, he was reassured by a Sister of Mercy, who was waiting by his bed. 手术非常顺利。等这个虚弱的男人苏醒之后,一直守在床边的修女便安慰他。
The stretcher-bearers carrying a groggy Robinson had only just entered the tunnel when Ferdinand spotted one such gap and surged from defence to the right-hand side of Albion's penalty area. 担架队刚刚把头昏眼花的罗宾逊抬进球员通道,费迪南德就在禁区的右侧找到了大片的空间。
The last attack of influenza has left me rather groggy. 上次患流行性感冒后使我至今软弱无力。
The attack of flu left her feeling very groggy. 她患流感后非常虚弱。
By this stage Petr was even more groggy and started to lose consciousness. 在这段时间里,切赫变得更加昏昏沉沉,并开始失去意识。
Groggy with ether, nauseous with the rocking of the boat, he could dimly feel that weights had been attached to his legs. 乙醚让他头晕目眩,船板颠簸摇晃更让他几欲呕吐,恍惚间,他觉得有重物绑到他脚上。
Owen looked extremely groggy when leaving the field, but Pearson has confirmed he suffered only a mild concussion and should be at full tilt in a few days. 欧文下场时看起来头晕眼花,如醉酒一般,但皮尔森表示这只是一次正常的冲撞,欧文将会在几天内恢复正常。
Still groggy, Woltz reached and flicked on the night table lamp. 沃尔兹摇摇晃晃地伸出手把桌子上的台灯打开了。
When I left my bed after my long illness, I felt too groggy to stand. 久病之后我下床走路,只觉得身体软弱得站立不稳。
It will stagger off into the weeds, grateful for our mercy and groggy on too much sugar. 老鼠会逃进杂草丛里,因吃了太多的甜食而步履不稳,并感激我们的怜悯。
If you do, you'll find it harder to wake and may experience the groggy feeling for a while. 如果你这样做,你会发现难以醒来,并可能会感觉像是喝醉了一样。
He was still groggy after the anesthetic. 麻醉药力过后,他仍然感到迷糊。
You are a little groggy. 你有点头昏眼花了。
The table is very groggy. I think the leg is going to fall off. 那桌子非常不稳,我想桌脚快断了。