
adj.  迟缓的,呆呆的



  1. But this engine's throttle response is so famously logy and it can only be the result of some aggressive fuel-saving algorithms in the engine-control calibration.
  2. The technological revolution under way is both a curse and a boon: Techno&# 173; logy might allow us to be creative but it also damages [ creativity].
  3. Instantaneous high pressure ( IHP) sterilization is a new-type tech no logy, which overcomed some malpractice of thermal sterilization and mostly preserved nutrition, flavor, components of food.
  4. Everyone in the office seems a bit logy this afternoon.
  5. Firewall, as a main means of network security tech no logy, has become the most popular network security solution.
  6. Logy model: in market competition, those starts are slow, handle affairs the person with low efficiency, will be flooded without doubt by place of competitive spring tide.
  7. Characteristic techno logy: Plentifulhigh-quality products come from advanced techno forming technology is the most advanced at present both at home and abroad.
  8. The adjustment that books yield and central bank interest rate adjust photograph comparing, appear more logy.
  9. Based on the practice, the concept and methods logy of selecting the regimes for thermal balance, blasting, slag-making and charging are given.
  10. Adopts advanced technique and equipments, reform traditional techno-logy conscientiously.
  11. Linux and RFID technology have developed to be hotspot of IT industry, hereof this paper summarized the techno-( logy) of Linux, RFID, embedded database and embedded system developing technology to develop a newly-typed POS and put forward a new solution to POS system.
  12. β-Ni ( OH)_2 sample was prepared by low-heating solid state reaction method. The crystal structure and surface morpho-( logy) of the sample were studied by XRD and SEM.
  13. A Research of Network Security Architecture Based on Agent Techn logy under LAN Environment
  14. As a new technology of food manufacturing, Microwave puffing tech no logy is becoming widely use in food industry, especially in snack food sector.
  15. The wireless networks system of mine sensor was designed by application of Ad hoc techno-( logy) which can collect data of gas concentration and layer pressure of well wall in coal mine underground, and can transmit the data to the surface quickly.
  16. By improving the formula and process ( techno-) logy, the heavy current charge acceptance capability of the battery was enhanced, the formation time was reduced from ( 90~ 120 h) to about 60 h by using pulse container formation.
  17. It can be summarized that the indices frame in this article is "the top indices reflects the basic government affairs structure, the middle integrates information techno  ̄ logy with government affairs, and the bottom employs with numerous symbolized characteristics".
  18. The technical committee of Chinese Geophysical Society will decide on science and techno-logy Awards
  19. In this paper fundamental structures, principle, and applications in modern science and techno-logy of several soliton lasers are introduced.
  20. Compared with chemical method, this techno-logy was simple, and the cost was low, the qualified products could be increased.
  21. This paper introduces the development course of the tech no logy of precision forging on synchronizer ring in car gearbox.
  22. As a branch if ancient china mythos logy an China d legend, the sports mythology and legend reveal a close ratios between primary sports activities and people's production and life.
  23. Ni as an inactive phase and Sn as an active phase, amorphous Ni-Sn alloy and crystalline Ni_3Sn were synthesized employing different methods which led to different morpho-( logy.) The morphology characteristics, crystal structures and electrochemical performance of the materials were investigated.
  24. The litho-logy and age have not been ascertained of a deep horizon ( T_6) of the seismic section across No. 26 hole in this area. It is necessary, therefore, to make an integrated interpretation of gravitative and seismic data of this line.
  25. Study of Low Stress Tech no logy in Micromachining
  26. It had genetic similarity and gene homo logy with soybeans, alfalfa and other crops.
  27. Coal-bed stoping is a primary production link in coal mine production, therefore, Litho logy and engineering geological characteristics of Coal roof immediate influence to Extraction efficiency, Extraction Method, coal face management method, production, working environment and safe.
  28. The two parts are closely related, study sequence stratigraphy must be based on well stratigraphy and sediment logy research, but the available information is far from being able to meet this need.
  29. The system adopts C/ S frame in technology, realizes three layers framework, which is proscenium client, background server business logy and data bank service layer.
  30. The Litho logy and combination of coal roof are determined by the changes of sedimentary environment. Different sedimentary environment have different coal seam roof stability.



  1. stunned or confused and slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion)

      Synonym:    dazedfoggygroggystuporous