Lieutenant Campbell ordered the man at the wheel to steer for the gunboat. 坎贝尔上尉命令舵手将船开向炮艇。
The gunboat opened fire on the mainland. 炮艇朝陆地开炮。
He also accused China of playing a dangerous game of brinkmanship and gunboat diplomacy. 他还批评中国在玩危险的边缘政策游戏和炮舰外交。
A strong crosswind caused our gunboat to lay along. 一阵猛烈的侧风把我们的战舰吹得倾斜起来。
The US military often uses the tactic of gunboat diplomacy to squelch acts of terrorism. 美国军方常使用炮艇外交的战术来粉碎恐怖主义行动。
The government has lately been criticized for its increasing reliance on gunboat diplomacy. 政府近来被批评越来越依靠炮舰外交。
Grup servicii petroliere ( GSP), an oil services group, said its orizont rig had come under fire from a gunboat yesterday morning, after the crew refused to allow officials from a subsidiary of the Iranian state oil company on board. 罗马尼亚石油服务集团grupserviciipetroliere(gsp)表示,由于该集团orizont钻井的作业员工拒绝伊朗国家石油公司一子公司的管理人员登上钻井平台,钻井昨天上午遭一艘炮艇火力攻击。
In the days when gunboat diplomacy was a more accepted tool of world powers ( Christian Science Monitor) 在那些世界强国喜欢进行炮舰外交的时期(基督教科学箴言报)
They Battie the eiements, a German gunboat and each other. 他们要跟德国炮艇和对方作战。
In january, Chinese vessels engaged in a90-minute gun battle with a Philippine navy gunboat near Capones island. 一月,中国船只与菲律宾海军炮艇在开破你私岛交火90分钟。
The Japanese yesterday took complete control at Shanghai, sank with all hands one of our small river gunboats, the Petrel, and seized an American gunboat. 日本人昨天完全控制了上海,击沉了我们的一艘小型炮艇及其全部人员,并俘获了一艘美国炮艇。
During the period of late Qing Dynasty, the gunboat policy of big powers to interfere opposing Christianity case was divided into four stages. It was unpredictable. 晚清时期,列强利用炮舰干涉教案的政策分为四个阶段,变幻莫测。
Always carrying out hegemonism, power politics and "gunboat policy", the United States evidently showed its extremely conceited essence which has been strongly opposed by the people around the world. 美国一向推行霸权主义、强权政治和“炮舰政策”,其惟我独尊的嘴脸昭著于世,遭到了世界人民的强烈反对;
The gunboat ordered the brig to lie to and surrender, but instead the brig hung out the red flag. 炮舰命令帆船停止前进并且投降,但是帆船反而挂起了红旗以示开战。
Imperialistic aggressors always use gunboat diplomacy to invade countries. 帝国主义侵略者总是向被侵略国施展他们的炮舰外交。
It has made decisions that it expects 160 other countries to obey, even though they have been neither represented nor informed, reminiscent of the old days of gunboat diplomacy. G20已做出了决定,并指望其它160个国家服从尽管它们既未派代表参加,也未得到通知这不禁令人想起了昔日的炮舰外交。
We bid for the construction of a gunboat. 我们投标造一炮艇。
Gone was the era of gunboat diplomacy, gone the treaty port concessions, gone the specially conceded naval bases, the military missions, the ill-disguised interference in Chinese affairs. 炮舰外交的时期已经一去不复还了。开辟通商口岸、设立租界、租借海军基地、出兵中国、公然干涉中国内政&这一切也都一去不复返了。
Maximum probability estimation of gunboat reliability 舰炮可靠性的极大似然估计
In middle and later period of 19th century, America adopted a gunboat policy to force Korea to open its door. 19世纪中后期,美国为打开朝鲜国门,对朝鲜采取了武力开国策略。
The gunboat policy of big powers used to interfere opposing Christianity case produced important influence for both China and the foreign countries. It brought deep history lesson for Chinese people. 列强利用炮舰干涉教案的政策对中外双方都产生了重要影响,并给中国人民留下了深刻的历史教训。
In Asian other area like Japan and Korea, Seward has adopted the threat in force and the gunboat policy. 在亚洲其它地区如日本和朝鲜,西沃德采取了武力威胁和炮舰政策。