
英 [hæk] 美 [hæk]

v.  砍; 劈; 猛踢; 非法侵入(他人计算机系统)
n.  雇佣文人(尤指廉价受雇撰写报纸庸俗文章者); (受雇于组织,尤其是政客)从事艰苦乏味工作的人; 杂务人员; 供人骑的马; 可出租的马



Collins.2 / BNC.8661 / COCA.8227



  1. 砍;劈
    to cut sb/sth with rough, heavy blows
    1. I hacked the dead branches off.
    2. They were hacked to death as they tried to escape.
    3. We had to hack our way through the jungle.
    4. We hacked away at the bushes.
  2. 猛踢
    to kick sth roughly or without control
    1. He hacked the ball away.
  3. 非法侵入(他人计算机系统)
    to secretly find a way of looking at and/or changing information on sb else's computer system without permission
    1. He hacked into the bank's computer.
    2. They had hacked secret data.
  4. 能 / 不能应付(某情形)
    to be able/not able to manage in a particular situation
    1. Lots of people leave this job because they can't hack it.
  5. 骑马消遣
    to ride a horse for pleasure
    1. 开出租车
      to drive a taxi


      1. 雇佣文人(尤指廉价受雇撰写报纸庸俗文章者)
        a writer, especially of newspaper articles, who does a lot of low quality work and does not get paid much
        1. (受雇于组织,尤其是政客)从事艰苦乏味工作的人;杂务人员
          a person who does the hard and often boring work for an organization, especially a politician
          1. a party hack
        2. 供人骑的马;可出租的马
          a horse for ordinary riding or one that can be hired
          1. 出租车
            a taxi
            1. 砍;劈
              an act of hitting sth, especially with a cutting tool


              1. VERB 劈;砍;乱劈;猛砍
                If you hack something or hack at it, you cut it with strong, rough strokes using a sharp tool such as an axe or knife.
                1. An armed gang barged onto the train and began hacking and shooting anyone in sight...
                2. Some were hacked to death with machetes...
                3. Matthew desperately hacked through the leather.
                4. Hack away means the same as hack .
                  hack away 同 hack
                5. He started to hack away at the tree bark.
              2. VERB (在丛林等中)开辟道路
                If you hack your way through an area such as a jungle or hack a path through it, you move forward, cutting back the trees or plants that are in your way.
                1. We undertook the task of hacking our way through the jungle.
              3. VERB 大幅缩减(大小、长度);大幅降低(价格)
                If you hack at or hack something which is too large, too long, or too expensive, you reduce its size, length, or cost by cutting out or getting rid of large parts of it.
                1. He hacked away at the story, eliminating one character entirely.
              4. N-COUNT (粗制滥造的)职业文人,雇佣文人
                If you refer to a professional writer, such as a journalist, as a hack, you disapprove of them because they write for money without worrying very much about the quality of their writing.
                1. ...tabloid hacks, always eager to find victims in order to sell newspapers.
                2. ...a hack writer of cheap romances.
              5. N-COUNT 二流政客;政治仆从
                If you refer to a politician as a hack, you disapprove of them because they are too loyal to their party and perhaps do not deserve the position they have.
                1. Far too many party hacks from the old days still hold influential jobs.
              6. VERB (尤指为获取机密信息)侵入,非法进入(他人的计算机系统)
                If someone hacks into a computer system, they break into the system, especially in order to get secret information.
                1. The saboteurs had demanded money in return for revealing how they hacked into the systems.
              7. VERB 骑马
                If you hack or go hacking, you go out for a ride on horseback.
                1. The children could be seen hacking across the hillside on their ponies.
              8. 骑马
                A hack is a ride on horseback.
                1. 供出租的骑用马
                  A hack is a horse which people can hire from a stable to go out riding.
                  1. PHRASE 做不来;无法应付
                    If you say that someone can't hack it or couldn't hack it, you mean that they do not or did not have the qualities needed to do a task or cope with a situation.
                    1. You have to be strong and confident and never give the slightest impression that you can't hack it...
                    2. Smith tries to convince them that he can hack it as a police chief.
                  2. See also: hacking


                  1. An armed gang barged onto the train and began hacking and shooting anyone in sight
                  2. Some were hacked to death with machetes
                  3. Matthew desperately hacked through the leather.
                  4. We undertook the task of hacking our way through the jungle.
                  5. He hacked away at the story, eliminating one character entirely.
                  6. Far too many party hacks from the old days still hold influential jobs.
                  7. The saboteurs had demanded money in return for revealing how they hacked into the systems.
                  8. The children could be seen hacking across the hillside on their ponies.
                  9. You have to be strong and confident and never give the slightest impression that you can't hack it
                  10. Smith tries to convince them that he can hack it as a police chief.
                  11. As the bus turned the corner, it collided with a hack.
                  12. A tabloid hack uncovered the story.
                  13. Jack is making a hack at the tree.
                  14. He often tries to hack into other's computer.
                  15. Could you rent the hack to me?
                  16. Or you could buy a Roomba and hack it.
                  17. There's more in blog posts from Microsoft and McAfee describing the hack and precautions for users.
                  18. Young man. I need you to hack into the computer and find the missing files.
                  19. You shall have it hack tomorrow.
                  20. I'm sorry, I promise you can not do now, I do not want can be, then I will hack a little time for you to fulfill.
                  21. Can you hack into henderson's office computer?
                  22. You scratch my hack and I'll scratch yours.
                  23. She's just a second-rate hack.
                  24. They went hack to the seaside.
                  25. Ever wanted to hack a greedy multinational corporation like Blackwell-Briggs and steal their secrets?
                  26. More boring news. I wonder which hack wrote this?
                  27. I just can't hack my way inside.
                  28. You just bit me on the butt! What a hack is wrong with you?
                  29. As soon as I got hack, they all badgered me with questions.
                  30. Do you think you'd be able to hack another four years of working with her?



                  1. a saddle horse used for transportation rather than sport etc.

                    1. a horse kept for hire

                      1. an old or over-worked horse

                          Synonym:    jadenagplug

                        1. a car driven by a person whose job is to take passengers where they want to go in exchange for money

                            Synonym:    cabtaxitaxicab

                          1. a tool (as a hoe or pick or mattock) used for breaking up the surface of the soil

                            1. one who works hard at boring tasks

                                Synonym:    drudgehacker

                              1. a mediocre and disdained writer

                                  Synonym:    hack writerliterary hack

                                1. a politician who belongs to a small clique that controls a political party for private rather than public ends

                                    Synonym:    machine politicianward-heelerpolitical hack


                                  1. cough spasmodically
                                    1. The patient with emphysema is hacking all day

                                    Synonym:    whoop

                                  2. significantly cut up a manuscript

                                      Synonym:    cut up

                                    1. fix a computer program piecemeal until it works
                                      1. I'm not very good at hacking but I'll give it my best

                                      Synonym:    hack on

                                    2. kick on the shins

                                      1. kick on the arms

                                        1. cut with a hacking tool

                                            Synonym:    chop

                                          1. cut away
                                            1. he hacked his way through the forest

                                          2. be able to manage or manage successfully
                                            1. I can't hack it anymore
                                            2. she could not cut the long days in the office

                                            Synonym:    cut