We all love to frighten ourselves by going on hair-raising rides at funfairs. 我们都喜欢坐上游艺节惊险刺激的乘骑设施体验恐惧的乐趣。
Her truck is a very large pickup which she drives at hair-raising speeds. 她开一辆大货,开起来时速度快得吓人。
From a run-down old storefront came a hair-raising shriek followed by the sound of a body falling to the ground. 从一个破旧的老店里忽然传来一声令人毛骨悚然的尖叫,接着听到一个人倒在地上的声音。
She said this shoot had a 'hair-raising' intimacy. 她称这次的拍摄有种令人毛骨悚然的亲密感。
In this sometimes hair-raising account, we explore some of the most fascinating facts in the study of human hair. 在这份有点令人恐惧的报告中,我们探究了一些关于人的头发最令人感兴趣的事实。
Getting through customs was pretty hair-raising! 经过海关是非常令人恐惧的!
My daughter and her boyfriend had a hair-raising time hiking in the mountains& they met a black bear with her cub. 我女儿和男朋友在山里徒步旅行时跟带小熊的黑熊狭路相逢。这可真是段令人毛骨悚然的经历。
Making this work was a process of self-education; painting from these photographs enabled me the opportunity to engage with these hair-raising historical scenes one by one. 这个创作的过程,是一次自我教育的过程,这些图片和水墨画,让我得以进入那些惊心动魄的历史场景中的一次次机会。
We often delivered babies in hair-raising conditions. 我们时常在很危险的情况下产下婴儿。
Many engage in hair-raising diversification into unrelated sectors. 许多企业实行令人担忧的多元化,进入不相关的行业。
Not a car road, but the most hair-raising experience you can have on your own two legs. 没有一条汽车可以行使的道路,一切都凭着你的双脚。
The ride was bumpy and at times hair-raising. 车一路颠簸,有时惊险得吓人。
He told us some hair-raising stories about his exploits as a mountaineer. 他给我们讲述他当登山运动员时建功立业的一些令人毛骨耸然的事。
Mr Jackson claims to have a great deal of energy, and his hair-raising stories leave you inclined to take his word. 杰克逊声称,自己拥有旺盛的精力,而他那些令人毛骨悚然的故事,让你很容易相信他的话。
Jiancang time for robbery, more than the Olympic Games after a new hair-raising fund-raising end of the schedule. 建仓时间为抢劫后,新的头发比奥运会更提高筹资结束的时间表。
More people have ventured into the potentially hazardous waters of online dating than would care to admit-and some of their adventures have been truly hair-raising. 很多人会大胆尝试网上约会这一存在潜在危险的事情而不愿承认,而且其中一些人的网上约会经历还相当耸人听闻。
These hair-raising Halloween treats are sure to spook you! 这些叫人毛骨悚然的万圣节把戏肯定会吓坏你!