She described a nightmarish scene of dead bodies lying in the streets. 她描述了尸横街头、令人毛骨悚然的一幕。
And compared to, for instance, the nightmarish experience of trying to get early Mozilla releases built, it's a walk in the park. 举例来说,与大家在尝试早期的Mozilla发行版时的恶梦般的经历相比,这就像是在公园中散步一样轻松。
Of course, they inadvertently summon demons, but here their friend's nightmarish behavior and visions are chalked up to the DTs. 当然,他们也都在无意中招来了邪灵,但是此片中他们朋友的可怕行为与幻觉被归因为震颤性谵妄。
As the day unfolded, a drama that played out on national television took on increasingly nightmarish proportions. 随着时间的推移,国家电视台的相关报道越来越悲观。
We see a man who has been changed by his nightmarish circumstances. 我们看到了一个人是怎样被梦魇般的境遇所改变的。
The lag is just long enough for your kid's adorable smile to turn into a nightmarish frown. 但就在这短短的一瞬间里,你的孩子灿烂的笑容可能就变成了可怕的皱眉。
The dragons are rallying their champions to descend into the nightmarish hives beneath Ahn'Qiraj and to finish what they have begun. 现在龙类正集结起来,准备一起降落到安其拉下面那噩梦般的巢穴中一探究竟,了结那些他们已经开启的噩梦。
The result of these experiments will be a nightmarish world filled with two-headed monsters and other mutants. 这些试验的结果将造成一个可怕的世界,充满了双头怪和其他怪物。
What begins as an exciting parachute jumping adventure takes a nightmarish turn when the instructor shows signs of suicidal behavior 当教练发出自杀的信号时,刺激的跳伞比赛非常危险地转了个弯,故事便由此开始
I had nightmarish visions of what could go wrong. 可能会出什么错,我都曾可怕地想像到了。
But the second Mozambique border experience proved nightmarish. 然而,第二次穿越莫桑比克边境的经历却有如一场噩梦。
Even so, there is something nightmarish about the Strauss-Kahn case, as Mr Vance describes it in his court filings. 即使如此,正如万斯在法庭文件中所描述的,卡恩案中仍然有一些荒诞离经的东西。
Maybe disorderly defaults and exits from the eurozone are the only way to escape from this nightmarish construct, which has such nasty echos of the interwar period. 或许无序违约和退出欧元区是逃脱目前这种噩梦般的窘境的唯一退路,这种情景会让人不安地回忆起一战和二战之间的时期。
David Horsey gives such a young brute truly nightmarish proportions in today's cartoon: so large he barely fits in the room. 漫画家戴维-霍尔西在今天的漫画中就画了这样一个小混球,他的体态真是可怕:大得几乎占满了教室。
In nightmarish proportions, a common bedbug appears poised for a blood meal, compliments of a human host. 就像是场恶梦,一只普通的臭虫正蓄势待发,准备从人类身上饱尝血液大餐。
Lucky ( Sneha) is the name of the film's female protagonist, or rather the schoolgirl whose wish ( that her exam be cancelled) comes true in a most nightmarish way. 幸运(Sneha)是这部电影的女主角,更确切地说是女生的愿望名称(即取消其考试)来自最真实的噩梦方式。
They also illustrate the nightmarish difficulty reformers face. 他们也勾勒了改革者面临的、噩梦般难缠的困难。
It's evident they've discussed the most nightmarish aspects of a nuclear holocaust in their classrooms. 显然他们在课堂上讨论过大规模核破坏的最恐怖的方面。
A meek inn owner discovers a suitcase floating down a stream and triggers a nightmarish chain of events involving his nagging wife and a strange guest couple. 一位温柔的客栈老板发现一个行李箱漂浮下来,由此掀起了一场噩梦般的连锁事件,甚至牵连到他恼人的妻子和一对陌生的顾客夫妇。
The last half-hour had been so nightmarish that she felt nothing would ever be plain and clear again. 过去这半个钟头对她来说完全是一场恶梦,使她觉得今后什么事也弄不清楚了。
His keenly-felt nightmarish consciousness, comic treatment of violence and the subtle artistic techniques make him independent in the postmodernist writing. 他强烈的梦魇意识、对暴力的喜剧处理以及精湛的艺术技巧使其在后现代主义写作中独树一帜。
And beyond the economic costs, nightmarish train journeys and the frustration of sitting in traffic jams damage the quality of people's lives in ways that are not picked up in GDP figures. 更为严重的并非经济损失,而是噩梦般的乘车经历以及身陷塞车泥沼时的挫败感已经损害到人们的生活质量,这些是无法通过GDP值表现出来的。
Fortunately it is. That was a nightmarish period of total social chaos when correct policies of religion could not be carried out. 正是。那是恶梦,整个社会陷入混乱,正确的宗教政策不能贯彻执行。
Nightmarish visions of the future. 关于未来的可怕的幻想。
We have seen first hand our friends and loved ones consumed by the nightmarish Zerg. 我们看到了莫逆之交的朋友和挚爱之人在恶梦般的虫族手中丧生。
That gives you an idea of the often nightmarish traffic drivers face around here. 这让您想起大桥周围司机们因堵车而烦躁不安的面孔。
That nightmarish world has not materialised. 这样一个噩梦般的世界并未成为现实。
No doubt, our memories of history have been filled with too much discord, humiliation and nightmarish experiences. 可不是吗,我们对于世界的记忆当中有太多的龃龉与耻辱,太多的经验更适合成为噩梦的素材。
Writing papers was nightmarish. 写论文就像是恶梦一般。
A radar image shows the crater of Eyjafjallajokull in southeast Iceland, which looks like the nightmarish face in the painting "The Scream" by Edvard Munch. 据报道,火山喷发从空中俯瞰产生意想不到的效果。这张由冰岛海岸警卫队机载雷达就捕捉到火山口照片,看起来酷似爱德华·孟克的经典画作“尖叫”中惊恐的人脸。