I know for a fact that women are forbidden to cover their faces during Haj and Umrah. 我所知道的一个事实是妇女在正朝和副朝时是不允许把脸遮起来的。
All of us, I said, including women from all over the world wear white clothes when they perform Haj or Umrah. 我说,我们所有人,包括来自世界各地的妇女,朝觐期间都穿白色的衣服。
She said women should not wear white clothes during Haj and Umrah because that would be emulating the ihraam clothes that men wear during pilgrimage. 她说妇女不应该在正朝和副朝期间穿白色的衣服,因为那是在仿效男人在朝圣期间所穿的戒衣。
There were a few pamphlets on the table about Haj and Umrah and one of the women reached for one pamphlet and started reading it aloud. 桌子上放着一些关于正朝和副朝的小册子,其中一个妇女拿了一本并大声地读了起来。
She was eager to inform her daughters about the important rulings for women performing the Haj and Umrah. 她急于告诉她的两个女儿关于妇女参加正朝和副朝的一些重要事项。