A Muslim carries his elderly mother across the plains by Mount Arafat during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia. 1.一位穆斯林正背着他年迈的母亲到沙特阿拉伯进行朝圣。
The cases come a month ahead of the Hajj pilgrimage, which draws millions of Muslim pilgrims to Saudi Arabia. 这些病例发生时距离麦加朝圣(Hajjpilgrimage)还有一个月。每年麦加朝圣会吸引数百万穆斯林前往沙特朝圣。
In the final steps of the Hajj, pilgrims will have their heads shaved, before the final ritual slaughter of a lamb. 在朝圣之旅的最后一段,在传统的屠杀一只羔羊的活动之前,朝圣者们会剃头。
The Hajj pilgrimage runs this year from roughly Oct. 24 to Oct. 29. 今年的麦加朝圣将从大约10月24日持续至29日。
Muslim pilgrim throw pebbles at a stone pillar representing the devil, during the Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Friday, Nov.27,2009. 穆斯林朝圣者投掷石头代表魔鬼的支柱卵石,在麦加期间,沙特阿拉伯,星期五,2009年11月27日朝圣。
But they highlight the Hajj in Saudi Arabia one of the world's largest annual pilgrimages as an example of where the introduction of traffic and safety rules has successfully prevented stampedes. 但是他们强调了在沙特阿拉伯麦加举行的朝觐活动这是全世界最大的年度朝圣活动之一是一个范例,表明了推广交通和安全规则已经成功地防止了踩踏。
Therefore, it is your spousal obligation to accompany her on Hajj if you can. 因此,如果你有能力,陪同你的妻子去朝觐是义不容辞的。
Understanding of the deep cultural connotation of the hajj, the pilgrimage that we can gather as a Muslim outreach practice. 理解朝觐文化的深层内涵,我们认为朝觐可以视为穆斯林复命归真的一次实践。
Muslim employees with more than three years continuous service may be granted a pilgrimage leave with full pay for a period of20 calendar days for performing the Hajj. 连续工作三年以上的穆斯林员工将被批准获得为期20个日历日的全薪朝圣假去朝觐。
Both the chief controller and the traffic controller must first have a sound understanding of how the working timetable fulfils each of the defined Hajj movements before making the trade off and choosing the most suitable alternative service pattern arrangement to continue train service. 在制定备用方案并选择最合适的代用运行模式安排来延续列车运行之前,调度主任和行车调度员必须先充分了解运行时刻表是如何实现每一个确定的朝觐活动。
Every able-bodied adult Muslim who can financially afford the trip must perform hajj at least once in a lifetime. 每一位身体健康且有经济能力的成年穆斯林一生至少要朝觐一次。
Psychological Analysis on Uygur Religion Believers 'Ideas about Hajj 对新疆维吾尔族宗教信仰者朝觐问题的心理探析
With Hajj and Umrah season already started, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has issued vaccination requirements for travellers ( all ages) for Umrah and Hajj. 大朝和小朝季已经开始,沙特阿拉伯王国对大朝和小朝的(所有年龄的)旅客制定了免疫接种要求。
To avoid further curtailment of service during hajj, assist passengers in boarding replacement buses at the designated pick up points. 朝觐期间为防止降低服务水平,帮助乘客在指定接送点换乘汽车。
The project designers say the degree of interactivity in the3D virtual world would allow participants the ultimate step by step guide to hajj. 该计划设计者称3D虚拟世界的互动性会给参与者逐步指导,指导完成朝觐。
Muslim pilgrims walk past construction outside the Grand Mosque during the annual Hajj in Mecca, Saudi Arabia on Friday, Nov.12,2010. 走在穆斯林朝圣者在麦加朝觐年,沙特阿拉伯上周五,二○一○年十一月十二日过去大清真寺外的建设。
The fifth is performing the hajj, or pilgrimage, to Makkah at least once in a lifetime. 五为朝功,就是到麦加朝观天房&克尔白圣殿,一生中至少要到麦加朝观一次。
The end of the Hajj is marked by a festival, Eid Al-Adha, which is celebrated with prayers. 哈吉的最后是一个庆典,宰牲节会礼,由朝觐者一起祈祷庆祝。
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia last month issued polio vaccination requirements for travellers to the Hajj. 沙特阿拉伯王国上个月已经发布了前去参加麦加朝圣旅行者的脊灰免疫要求。
Its soft power-the resonance of the American idea-has been hurt by a loss of legitimacy ( Hajj languishing) and by incompetence ( Iraq). 美国的软实力&美国精神的共鸣因为合法性和竞争力的丧失也受到了损害。
Mecca, lies in the arid region of Hejaz, Western Saudi Arabia. It's the starting point for every Hajj. 麦加城,位于沙特阿拉伯西部汗志省的干旱地区。它是每一次朝圣巡礼的出发点。
The plans must be reviewed after Hajj operation and periodically; and revised in view of the experience gained in events. 必须在朝觐之后、并且定期审查这些计划;并根据从事件中得到的经验修订计划。
Saudi Arabia has been notified of the increased risk of polio infection to Hajj pilgrims. 已通知沙特阿拉伯注意,朝觐者感染脊髓灰质炎的风险已增大。