I scarcely believe any of our opponents will have the hardihood to say they are not. 我不相信任何反对我们的人有胆量说她们不是人们。
The only question left to be settled now is: Are women persons? I scarcely believe any of our opponents will have the hardihood to say they are not. 现在剩下唯一要解决的问题是:妇女是人们吗?我不相信任何反对我们的人有胆量说她们不是人们。
But who has the hardihood to read them? 可是怎么敢看呢?
Purple: Stand for valiancy, hardihood, honesty, strong and brave. 紫色:表现骁勇、刚毅、正直、坚强、胆大。
And this desire came more from fear, a need to divert attention from one's own nakedness and insecurity by an attack upon a common target, than from any real cruelty or scornful hardihood of the soul. 而这种渴望也并非源自他们心灵的冷酷或孤傲狂妄,而是源于他们心中的恐惧,他们想要转移自己的注意力,以着迷于一种普通的对象来取代内心的空白和不安。
Jack had the hardihood to deny what he has done 杰克厚颜地否认了自己所干的事
That's an ambitious aim, and I wonder how much work I have to do and hardihood and endorse it. 那是一项雄心勃勃的目标,不知有多少工作,我必须要做的事情和胆量和认可。