If you are tired of being hassled by unreasonable parents, leave home and pay your own way. 如果你厌烦了不通情理的父母的喋喋不休,那就离开家自食其力吧。
And I can go on Facebook without being hassled. "CHRIS SAYS:" Facebook wrecked our marriage. 她丈夫说:Facebook已经毁了我的婚姻。
Hukou reform was fine, but the government did not want to be hassled. 户籍改革固然重要,但政府不希望被冒犯。
A couple of hoods hassled us on the street. 几个无赖在街上拦住我们想闹事。
I just make sure they're not hassled by the lowlifes. 我的职责只是不让她们被人骚扰。
That's my only real motivation, is not to be hassled. 那就是我唯一的真实动机,是不可争辩的。
You hate being rushed and you do not like to be hassled. 你讨厌被打扰并且不喜欢和别人争论。
The goal of the source code is to provide a set of simple classes that handle all the hassled code that has to do with IOCP. 源码的目标是提供一系列简单的类来处理所有IOCP编码中的问题。
You're in the middle of a frazzled day, swamped by work and meetings and emails and interruptions, or hassled by kids and phone calls and errands and chores. 每天我们疲于应对工作、会议、电子邮件、突如其来的打断,烦恼于孩子、差事以及日常的事物。我们就以这样一种疲惫不堪的形式生活在这个世界里。
So, what are the "Big Rocks" in your life? When you are hassled because there is no time, remember the story about the Big Rocks and Jar. 那么,人生中间的大石块是什么呢?当你因为时间不充足而烦恼的时候,请记住这个关于大石块和广口瓶的故事。
The figures ascend floating aimlessly, but are essentially pressed in spatial suffocation, perhaps hassled to fit within the cube of the given norm. 这些人物漫无目的地浮游上升,实质上却是在使人窒息的空间里被挤压,或许还在争论著该如何迎合某种常规标准,以容身于这小立方。