But the fiscal standoffs may not be as much of a headwind as people think. 但财政僵局的影响可能并没有像人们想象的那样严重。
But the strongest headwind facing not only Pandora ( P) but the entire music business is the continued fall of the market price of recorded music, whether that price is paid by listeners or by advertisers. 而Pandora和整个音乐行业所面临的最强逆风乃是录制音乐市场价格的持续下降&不管价钱是由用户支付还是由广告商支付。
That means banks remain a headwind for the housing market rebound. 这意味着银行业仍是抑制楼市复苏的因素之一。
Oil giants are facing the additional headwind of low oil prices. 石油巨头们还面临着另外一个问题:石油价格下降。
Luca Maestri, the iPhone maker's chief financial officer, called the foreign exchange swings a significant headwind to the company's business on a call with analysts on Monday. 周一,苹果首席财务官卢卡•马埃斯特里(LucaMaestri)在面对分析师们召开的会议上,把美元汇率波动称为影响公司业务的一项重大负面因素。
In spite of Congressional scepticism of Chinese motives – a headwind that Indian buyers do not face – the largest Chinese takeover of a US company passed scrutiny. 虽然美国国会有人对中方的收购动机表示怀疑印度收购方没有面对这样的阻力但这项中国对美国企业的最大规模收购通过了审查。
In contrast, companies that rely on consumer spending are likely to run into a very strong headwind. 相比之下,依赖消费者支出的公司很可能遭遇非常强劲的逆风。
Of course, we are fully aware that whoever overtakes will feel the headwind, and whoever leads the way will bear responsibility. 当然,我们清楚地意识到,赶超者将逆风前行,领先者将承担责任。
Over time, a natural tendency to diversify from a heavy concentration in US Treasury securities may prove a headwind to a dollar recovery. 假以时日,从高度集中于美国国债转向多元化的自然趋势,或许会影响美元的回升。
The headwind chapped the cyclist's lips. 骑车人的双唇因顶风而皲裂了。
The recovery, while moving in the right direction, is weak by historical standards and the ongoing deleveraging process acts as an ongoing headwind on both growth and inflation. 尽管美国经济复苏正朝着正确的方向前进,但以历史标准衡量,复苏的力度较弱,且进行中的去杠杆化过程对于经济增长和通胀都构成了长期障碍。
Mr Grieves says: The influence of the US market has been a headwind for the sector's performance over the past couple of years. 格里夫斯表示:过去几年,美国市场的影响一直阻碍着整个板块的表现。
Mr Obama said Europe's economic uncertainty was the biggest headwind currently facing the United States. 奥巴马先生称,欧洲经济前景不明朗,是目前美国面临的最大阻力。
BMW has outperformed rivals in recent quarters but Norbert Reithofer, chief executive, conceded that "like the rest of the sector, we are now beginning to feel some headwind". 宝马在最近几个季度表现优于竞争对手,但该公司首席执行官诺伯特雷瑟夫(norbertreithofer)坦承,“就像业内其它企业一样,我们正开始感受到一些逆风”。
While sea breeze usually causes a headwind gain to an aircraft, some aircraft did experience a headwind loss. 一般来说,海风是引致飞机的逆风增加的,但一些飞机却遇上逆风减少。
If you are taking off or landing, then you will see your indicated airspeed suddenly come UP as you fly into this sudden headwind. 如果你在起飞或者降落,当你进入这股强烈的逆流时,你就会发现你的空速表示数突然急剧上升。
The commodity market may also be a long-term headwind for the global economy. 日用品市场长期来说也可能与全球经济顶风而行。
Rising interest rates are also acting as a headwind by making it more expensive to refinance an existing mortgage or get a new loan. 不断上升的利率也对住房市场起到抑制作用,因为它提高了再按揭或获取新贷款的成本。
The valuation gap is the main headwind: the UK insurer trades at around 1 times its embedded value; AIA trades at 1.7 times. 估值差距是主要障碍:保诚的股价是其内在价值的一倍左右,而友邦则为1.7倍。
In some developing countries, momentum behind pension and social security reform has flagged, despite the fact that demographics is turning into a headwind, rather than the tailwind it has been for some time. 在一些发展中国家,尽管人口状况正在变成利空,而不是一段时间以来一直呈现出的利好,但养老和社保改革背后的动力已有所减弱。
Globalisation is creating an insurmountable headwind for growth in the West. 全球化正为西方的增长形成难以克服的阻力。
A headwind fan design of car rotary drum test platform 汽车转鼓试验台迎面风机的设计
And this vehicle has advantages of small mass and good demonstration effects, so it can take the place of the headwind-going boat in the demonstration of boat going headwind. 该逆风车质量轻且演示效果好,可以代替逆风船做逆风行舟的演示实验。
The headwind fan of car rotary drum test platform is an equipment for testing the technique function of the whole car, which mainly measures the parameters of draining-off function, output power of chassis, acceleration time, skidding distance and automotive consumes gas of the car. 汽车转鼓试验台迎面风机是对汽车整车的技术性能进行试验的设备,主要对汽车的排放性能参数,汽车底盘输出的功率,汽车加速时间,汽车滑行距离,汽车的油耗等进行测试。