V-ERG 痊愈;愈合;治愈 When a broken bone or other injury heals or when something heals it, it becomes healthy and normal again.
Within six weeks the bruising had gone, but it was six months before it all healed... 青瘀在6周内就消退了,但伤却是6个月后才全好了。
If they'd operated and pinned her arm at once, she might have healed by now... 如果他们当时马上就给她的胳膊做手术并用钢针固定,她现在可能已经痊愈了。
No doctor has ever healed a broken bone: he or she sets them... 从来没有哪个医生能治愈骨折,他们只是让骨头复位。
Therapies like acupuncture do work and many people have been healed by them. 针灸等疗法确实有效,已经治愈了很多人。
V-ERG (感情创伤)愈合;(情感)恢复常态 When someone's emotional pain heals, they feel normal and happy again.
A year later, she had healed to the point of at least being able to consider a romantic relationship with another man... 一年以后,她的感情创伤已慢慢愈合,至少能考虑和另一个男性开始恋爱关系了。
Only by fully experiencing the depth of our pain can we be healed from it and be done with it. 只有充分感受了深切的痛苦,我们才能从中走出,并将它抛诸脑后。
V-ERG (使)(裂痕、创伤)弥合;(使)和好 If you heal something such as a rift or a wound, or if it heals, the situation is put right so that people are friendly or happy again.
Today Sophie and her sister have healed the family rift and visit their family every weekend... 如今索菲和她的姐姐已经和家人和好,每个周末都回家探望他们。
The psychological effects on the United States were immense and in Washington the wounds have still not fully healed. 对美国造成的心理影响是巨大的,在华盛顿创伤仍未完全弥合。
She was involved in many New Age activities such as yoga and healing. 她参加了很多“新时代”活动,如瑜伽和康复法。
A muscle tear will leave a scar after healing 肌肉撕裂复原后会留下疤痕。
They are transfigured by the healing powers of art 他们因艺术的治疗效力而面貌一新。
This enables the healing process to continue uninterrupted 这样能使恢复过程不间断地进行下去。
Dogs were also associated with healing in the ancient world. 在古代,狗也与治病有关。
The wound is healing nicely 伤口愈合得很好。
Comrade Bethune was a doctor; the art of healing was his profession and he was constantly perfecting his skill. 白求恩同志是个医生,他以医疗为职业,对技术精益求精。
There is power and healing in gratitude. 这是感恩的力量和疗伤作用。
This is the best healing therapy in the world. 这是世界上最棒的治愈疗法。
Can you state the Law of One and the laws of healing to me? 你可以向我讲述一的法则与治疗的法则吗?
You are blessed because you can offer a healing touch. 你也会值得被称颂,因为你给予了爱的触摸。
Local angiogenic therapy with recombinant human basic fibroblast growth factor has been used to promote wound healing. 局部血管生成治疗使用重组人碱性成纤维细胞生长因子,这项技术已经应用到促进伤口愈合中。
You have to stop healing me. 你不用再救我了。
Promotes healing of minor cuts and abrasions of the skin. 促进皮肤的小伤口和磨损的愈合。
I have great respect for Michele's visionary and shamanic healing skills and her unwavering integrity with Native wisdom. 我非常尊重米歇尔富有远见和萨满愈合坚定不移的技能和她的完整性与自然的智慧。
Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction. 香草能够拯救和治愈一个国家和民族,酒精则是摧毁。
I believe that Tom received emotional and spiritual healing in this life and moved on. 我相信汤姆此生及来生在情感和精神上已得到了痊愈。
It also covers mechanisms underlying wound healing and tissue remodeling following implantation in various organs. 同时包括创伤愈合和植入不同器官后组织重塑之作用机制。
One person, for example, finds out over time and aging that their spirit needs nurturing and healing. 一个人,举例来说,发现随着时间的推移和老龄化,他们的精神需要,培育和愈合。
She wisely knows that healing takes time and support. 聪明的她知道治疗需要时间和支持。
It also promotes wound healing. 它还可以促进伤口愈合。
Several recent studies also suggest HDL protects arteries by promoting cell healing and repair. 一些最近的研究也表明HDL可通过促进细胞的痊愈和修复而保护动脉。
Things and people show up spontaneously on your path and turn to you for healing. 事物和人会自发的出现在你的道路上并向你寻求疗愈。
Healing and repairing skin tissue after burns, including sunburn. 治疗与修补烧伤后的皮肤组织,包括晒伤。
How's darrel's leg healing? darrel的腿好得怎样了?
There you will stay for timeless healing, for rest, atonement, forgiveness and understanding of self. 在那里你会进行治疗和休息、罪、恕和自我理解。
This too will be useful in the purification and healing of the biology in ascension. 这也将对提升中的生物体净化与疗愈有用。
And she's made me a true cleric with the gift of healing. 她使我成为了一个真正的牧师,赋予了我治疗的能力。
Don't reveal your healing ability. 不要再暴露你的治愈能力了。
Once you begin to carry these frequencies, you can do this healing as well as I can. 一旦你开始进行这些频率,你可以做到这一点愈合,以及我可以。